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Emily Prum


Curiouser and curiouser! Feel free to ask me anything

33 Replies

Who do you share most of your secrets with?

My cousin Selina! She's family so she's obligated to love me haha.

emprum replied 3874 days ago

Do you think its annoying people see you as innocent? You are nice and all, but the actual fact that you have an image everyone sees about you. What do you feel about everyones expectations on you?

Good question. I think everyone associates the 'innocent' image of me with being conservative, but to my close friends they would know that I'm quite accepting and open minded to topics that people would find surprising. I don't find it annoying at all because essentially what it comes down to for me is that I have different comfort levels with each person I know. How much people know about me depends on how comfortable I feel around them. I don't want anyone to take this the wrong way like I don't like them or anything because the fault is with me. I take a while to warm up to people and start to show who I am. My fear from the expectations though is that once they learn that I might not fit the image they expect, they would become weirded out and avoid me. I want to believe that people can still treat me the same way despite knowing things that may change their perception of me.

emprum replied 3882 days ago

What would you like to ask God?

I honestly have no idea.

emprum replied 3882 days ago

Who do you want to meet, and why? And if you could meet that person with one friend, who would it be and why?

OMG this is such a hard question for me because there are so many people that I want to meet. Like there's Emilia Clarke who I absolutely adore because she's badass and gorgeous, but then I also love Jennifer Lawrence because she's so quirky and funny. This is so difficult! Although if I had to meet the person with one friend, I would have to choose John Green because he's one of my favourite authors and youtubers. My friend would also be Emma V because we would fangirl endlessly together and it will be beautiful haha.

emprum replied 3883 days ago

Who has good taste in books?

I like to say that anyone who has the same taste as me haha

emprum replied 3883 days ago

You're such a beautiful person and I love you dearly! moo?

Aww thanks and i love you most! quack?

emprum replied 3883 days ago

Nawh im in the 6 friends list yay ;) hahahahahaa dude idek if i should get this qoohme **** i mean 1. That would mean less time for flappy bird and 2. Noone would ask me anything anyway cause im boring hahahahaha
Nah but srs im surprised even you got it woman

Judging by the way you talk, I'm guessing this is Alesha? And if it is, you totally should get it because 1. flappy bird is ruining people's lives and 2. hey if people ask me stuff there would be people who would ask you. And yeah I know I suc***bed to the pressure and conformed hahaha

emprum replied 3883 days ago

If you could succeed in any career, what would it be?

That's a tricky question for me because I have conflicting interests. If you were to ask me that when I was a few years younger than I am now, I would say being a writer, but now because of what my strengths are in school, I would say career in something to do with commerce and banking.

emprum replied 3883 days ago

how many people do you trust 100% and who are they

Quite a few. There's my close friends so that's Alesha, Emma V, Emma J, Kaycci, Jaymee and Liz. And obviously my family, but I guess from them mainly my cousin Selina.

emprum replied 3883 days ago

Have anyone you're interested in?

I do, but it's complicated. Mostly on my part though.

emprum replied 3883 days ago

Do you wish that you didn't have such a reputation for being innocent? Do you think it's a false image of you or you are to an extent innocent or what?

Well that depends on your definition of innocent. Most people think that I'm a pure, goody two shoes kind of girl which to an extent I admit I am. I don't believe it's a false image of me, but I think people would be surprised at the things that I feel comfortable talking about e.g my *exuality. I like to think that I can still be that sweet girl that everyone knows, but also be open minded to stuff that they don't necessarily expect.

emprum replied 3883 days ago

wildest thing you want to do?

I live quite a boring life so anything that involves me stepping outside my house is considered 'wild' haha. But seriously, I've always wanted to travel the world, discover new and exciting things, and just live life to it's fullest.

emprum replied 3883 days ago

Which people do you have faith in and why?

Is it weird that I have faith in everyone? I expect the good in people to eventually come through because what I've learnt recently is that people can surprise you. I guess specifically to your question I have faith in my friends and family to be accepting and loving of who I am. I can trust that they're going to be there when I need them.

emprum replied 3883 days ago

If you could spend a day with Sherlock Holmes, what would you do? ;)

OMG I love this question! We would totally solve crimes together so I can marvel at his amazing mind in action. I would make him wear the deer stalker hat and everything. Gah that would be awesome!

emprum replied 3884 days ago

You're such a cutie, I love your innocence and help me with Lit ;)

Thanks lovely, but I think people give me too much credit on the whole innocence thing haha. And I'm trying to do the homework now too, but I keep getting distracted

emprum replied 3884 days ago