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For a long time pls
There is too many people to count
Neverrrrrrrrrrrr ☺️
I don't have a heart
When it rains in cranbourne but it doesn't rain in berwick that trips me out
Ummmm idk why?
It's kk I know it was a joke :p
I can't, my parents pick the person I marry an they have already chosen sorry
That sounds spectacular
What's trickshoting?
Because if I say this persons name, bad things happen
I'm not allowed to tell u :'(
Oh that's kewl
Let me in on this bit of goss pls?
Yeah I do, my fave is nitrous oxide
I love myself
In my last dream I broke my ankle and I was trying to call the ambulance but they kept hanging up on me and not Coming then I woke up and it felt so real that I was to scared to get out of bed and test out my ankle for like 2 hours
The same person annoys me everyday
Yes, Jake Harbour is my soul sister
Wtf are you talking about lmao, you probably have no idea! Who even are you...
I rate Tyson a zero
Aw thnx, inbox me or something then
Um I would rate her sickest *****
12 (:
My mum and dad, when I told them that I accidentally fell back to sleep before school
I love everyone at work, I could never pick faves!
Hurt ppl
Too hard I'm sozza
Bashing cara
Cara isn't an alcoholic
I'm not a fan of lana :(
Um cara only because she is like 30 away from me
Yeah I guess, I mean there is people I think are annoying but I don't talk to that many I kind of keep to myself haha
Either mind reading or the ability to control time
I can't say his name
Smokin kush LOL
I don't have any faves named cara :/
Not particularly
Y.E.S Jesus Christ.
Saggy jeans ew
What are you talking about lmao your crazy! Pls come off anon bby
It's like fave uncle to least fave uncle, then fave aunty to least fave aunty, fave cousin to least fave cousin, and so on.. Pretty straight forward I would think!
iPhone 23
You me kirra vs anon. Fight us.
Lol no? Am I not allowed to be close with someone else...
We luv u da most Paige-A-rage-A xoxoxoxoxoxoxxo
Me and Zoe are really similar and we have a lot in common so that's why we are super close with each other
Love love love most of them!
No I don't like her, and yes I did see the dress she wore it was her revealing
I feel like mistakes are things you regret and I don't regret anything in my life
Thnx so are u
Are you flirting with me
What if it's a secret :o
Sure do!
Greece, Italy, America and Ireland are my top 4 places to go
I would love to travel!
Get off my qoohme amber or I'll bash u
Pls don't cry it's just a joke ❤️
I have feelings for all my friends ❤️
erinnfraser :p
but thats difficult because the ones i talk to are girls :o
no thats not what i meant, i really only know the people who are my friends and people i have talked to a few times other than that i barely now anyone
probs white
i really dont know like anyones names haha give me help pls
yeah like 12 million of them
dumb as a door knob mate, you should know this we are obviously good friends???????????
tbh i think we will always be bestfriends no matter how often we see each other, we are two peas in a pod
deffs not k.elso
your mum biT ch
I will not speak of this persons name
Not as of yet :'(
Aw you are too kind! Maybz you should inbox me so I know who you are..
Um the other night bc I watched a sad video
I used to really hate school but I'm enjoying it this year ((:
It's pretty good when I show up, ty for asking :p
Probs a jeep lmao
I don't want a party you goose
IM not sure yet, I don't want a party but there is too many people I want to invite to be able to go out for dinner
Umm Probably, I'm not 100% sure yet :p
Depends who u r lmao
Bailey is a cool dude, he is very chilled out and easy going and I think that's kewl
Umm deffs woodwork lmao
Maybe you should inbox me and we can have a little chat :o
You are very kind and ily x
Ummm idk maybe photography
Ohhh I think I know! Did we recently start talking again :p
I am hotter than my mum and dad! I'm not actually sure who this is pls help me :'(