ernest banda
do u miss me sometimes?
yeah.i do miss ''mising you''.
hey buddy..(clue) cheated on me a long time ago...we kissd first time at a golf club! Remember me nw?
what the....
bwanji mr producer?
zoonadi mr listener
do you think she still loves u?
A grace tamachitakoni manyaziiii...asa!!!!!
what was the gr8 memories wth ur x? And do you think she still loves you?
f* * yo
any gr8 memories wth her?
Kodi kaufa ukunama kuti chani
do you miss your x sometimes?
hahaha unakafa pompo was quite a miracle to hav passed through the mob and run for my lyf
and whr wz dat exactly
was coming from a friend\'s place abt 10 blocks away.and wen i was ***** back met sum mindless creatures
did armed robbers really attack you today?
would that be a joke to you if someone told you so?
My legs freakin tired of running
what does kamrad mean?
unique ART
i like the way you talk,can you please say you love me?
.?¿ .ahem
iwe,are you @ nzazi?
yeah,in my dreams I AM
how old were you when yo broke your virginity?
just now ,caz i didnt even know that word existed man
who are you going out with right now?
am going out 'single' k
gud morning mr beat maker?
Good morning
ugone bwino wamva?
ayi chabwino
some one who loves you so much, goodnight long as u aint ma
When was the last time you prayed. and while thinking of how you'll go around this question, tell me, are you born again?
today,ths same n8 whle eating.
i cant ignore or accept being a born i cn just just say i try to follow the ryt path.
do u knw ur so cute i cud eat u up?
now we talkin...
l think am your guadyn angel
ok.and who m8 u be?
ernie ndakusowa heavy
and who m8 u be?
why z t you guys became enemies with bass 'n' truth. Keith to be precise?
keith n I lyk brothers bra ya dig?,.
So aint no enemity between us,ok,!.
yo,sup homie?
sup?.how yo doin?
what do want in life?
to be the best i can be,and be loved by all the people around me.
i heard from sum1 that u like girls too much,is it true?
yeah..can any male deny lovin his sisters,cousins.or even females makin a positive involvement in his life?
umapya mtima mwasanga chifukwa chani?
chifukwa choti anthu ena mumaonjeza
Eti suuchedwa kupsa
Eti suuchedwa kupsa mtima?
depends.ukamapanga zobowa
ernest,who are you dating ryt now?
20 september,2011
kma nde mafunso a hip hop akukakamilani2! MISSDANIELZ
Have u ever worked
on the same project
with the Igwe himself
a.k.a Fumu Strago?
yap.3 dot six-wicked
eye,also featuring ishan
Have u ever worked
on the same project
with the Igwe himself
a.k.a Fumu Strago?
yap.3 dot six-wicked eye,also featuring ishan capital
Have u ever worked on the same project with the Igwe himself a.k.a Fumu Strago?
yeah.3 dot six-wicked eye also featuring ishan capital,
waxxy,ozone nd alifa r readin btz underground hiphop,given a chance cn u tek dem down??
the answer is yes
Whoz ur favourite hiphop artist in m-dubs u wish 2 work on with??
why are you not working with riandy anymore?
isnt it obvious?
Artists get to explore otha corners of ths music industry
i have,but why her over rina?
caz complex z stil the leading lady in women rap,m-dubs that is
y complex?
dude,get to hear her tracks if you havent..
between complex and rina,who's the better one to you?
who z ozone?
wch one to be specific.
Verbal slaughter single-3500.
Mc studio-single-k3500
Musaname muli single man
yes I wat
why are you single?
who told you so?
kma aise,seriously.y havent you made beats for ty grin and other celebrities?
cz there'v never approached
Eti unatemela buluzi kuti uzipanga ma instru a bwino? we talkin
hehe.u rily hav a problemo..
is she the same pretty grace on fb? Damn man l rly like her but she dnt give me a chance, what did u do to have her?
wat did u really do not to have her?
why did you break up wth her?
cz,stuff do happen
wt z ur main motive of hvng gal friends?
so i could find the ryt one
yes ernest?
hahaha.qoohme is funny.
Ryt anonymous?
Jus heard Complex anakukhalira mu trak yako yomwe! True??
not my verse n twis is nt yet on it.*period*
wen did you break up wth ur ex?
sum tym back
whats the name of ur ex u jst broke up with?
whats your favourite type of feature on a gal?
b**ty,my man
Who is ur worst rapper at verbal slaughter?
are you still dating coloured ladies?
muhahahahahahahahahahahahaha.anyone who told you that z maaaaaaaad
r u stil datng ur sec xul gal?
no.we kind of brekup
zt tru u gat two ****s ? for your mouth.and one for ur *****.
wat happnd kut she shud no longer b??
i dont really recall wat happened
whoz ur best buddy?
had one by the name of sharone.
Now lukin 4 anatha bestie
wen did you start production?
i started music production in 2003,but i can say tie 'real deal' started in 2006.
wat does kamrad maean?
it means .kamrad.
U had anythang to add on
am related to you,but i really like you like me?
unless am abraham.and yo sum cute classic chick frm tha
is it true that you made ishan capital's 'nyatwa' instrumental?
yes boss.
do u **** any gal u meet?
uhmm.would u rather be specific as in ''how we meet'?
describe urself.
i ,dont ,care
ernest.wats the name of your giarlfrend
uhmmm,how bout u start,and i follow
i like u
u hav a cute sister.
I can easily tel
lol.watz ur type o ladiez
hehehe.onez with a lot of featurez...
Dont lyk onez wit too much to handle anywae
Gimme yo top ten emcees in verbal gymnastics?
rayfen,phago,cervantes,gudfly,equinox,chris paul,..and yo probably last on ma list.
Do u hv agal friend
i dnt,u want to be one?
What's the one rumour you've heard about you that is not true?
ohoho.that i hate condoms.lmfao
Who are you dating currently
uhmm.let me check
Describe yourself in 3 words?
so many,want to a visa to explore my brain?
is it true that u are a producer?
yap,mc studio,and verbal slaughter inc