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That's for me to know
lol , no its just I don't think I want to make any mistakes especially when it comes to guys
Idk you tell me
Thanks babe , but it's actually pretty cold
Honestly no one atm
Thanks , but focus on my face not my as* .
awws thank you so much . <3
Would write a paragraph but cbf with haters .
lol , why the f*** do you care if I've never had a boyfriend .?
Insecure Bit**es act like there perfect .
Thank you <3
lol okay I'll try and change my face just to impress you. Jks f*** no idgaf.
I don't care if I'm single so why do you ,?
Not this bullshi* again, she is my cousin and I love her and I'm sick and tired of this bullshi* like honestly just f*** off.
Dumb hoes these days . ://
Technically this isn't a question , but anyways idgaf . (:
I don't hate anyone I can strongly dislike someone but only if there Bit** as* motherf***ers .
Yo , ratchet hood rat , get your as* into inbox . ??????????????????????????????????????
Haha thank you <3
Inbox me ,?
Haha thanks you <3
idgaf . :)
Lol , when exactly did I say that dumb f***.
Because I'm different to you.
umm you ? jokes idk .
Amer athiu <3
Its my real skin colour (:
*such a
shi* nigga shi* ! , you make it to easy for me .
& lol why did you ask this anonymously , don't have the guts then don't talk shi* .
Don't make dumbas* statuses if you don't want people to state their opinion (:
awws what a cutie , I wouldn't judge you just inbox me (:
yo yo worgshegysvdc637373$477375372828:838737363636636362828 (: