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415 Replies

What got you upset recently?

My ex ??

eveieeexo replied 3375 days ago 1 1

Which song describes your mood today ?

Stitches - Shawn Mendes

eveieeexo replied 3379 days ago

If yure so sure bout who I m then say it pussi b itch !

Your dad

eveieeexo replied 3638 days ago

Your way of 'respect' is ****ed..

Hahhaah just cause you don't have my respect.

eveieeexo replied 3638 days ago

Anon?? How about shut the **** up and show yourself? Wanna be tough lad?? And Eve is old enough to run her life, she doesn't need you to tell her how to run her life okay. And what she does is none of your business. And anon im pretty sure your a kota. Lmfao Trinaxo

Such try hard to act togan, they're just trying to cover themselves so we won't know who they are.. But its kinda obvious hahaha

eveieeexo replied 3638 days ago 1

I would like to see anon come out of there screen and show there name :) haha. But we all know that won't happen because they're a P.B! Tinixo

Hahah Tini we all know they all talk. If they wanna talk then let them hahahah

eveieeexo replied 3638 days ago

What show myself so eve can be all tough ?? Maybe someone should tell her mum about what she does behind her back. Then see if she's all about that tough life.

So I can act tough ? What ? Are you saying your scared ? Hahha pfft you have nothing against me but what I do, aw please what I do is normal for teenagers. I know exactly who this is. Hahah

eveieeexo replied 3638 days ago

Teenagers are ****ed ?? No your ****ed. You still are a teenager idiot. For someone that's nesrly 18, you act nothing like it. No one your age acts like you. Grow the **** up.

I think you need to grow up because your the immature one who's sending me these qoohme, aw please why don't you act your age instead of your shoe size. Get a life or get ****ed. Like you always do.

eveieeexo replied 3638 days ago 1

Anon show yourself and stop being a P.B

Agree !

eveieeexo replied 3639 days ago

Don't act like you know what mature is . You didn't even tell your best friend she was getting played .. Yer b itch real MATURE ..

If she's getting played then let her, teenagers are fuc ked anyways hahhahaha don't seek for my attention. Bye boo boo.

eveieeexo replied 3639 days ago 1

go do some more drugs you little shït.

That's cute. But did I get on your nerves ? Please be more mature then this.

eveieeexo replied 3639 days ago

On point sis ️xx Rosaliexo

Thanks boo xx

eveieeexo replied 3639 days ago

Then stop acting like no one can tell you what to do. If only your parents knew how Kota you were. You aren't a big girl. Stop acting like a tough little b itch. You need to be put in your place.

Like I said my life my rules, they can tell me what to do but its up to me to listen and take it in. You know I never think I'm tough or act tough, but at least you think I am :)ahahah for really tho, have your parents taught you manners ? Or have you ever heard of the term manners before ?

eveieeexo replied 3639 days ago

You think your tough hey little Asian girl ?? Can your parents tell you what to do ?? Wonder what they would do if they found out about all the times you 'slept at Mays' Stop acting hard and sit the **** down you little kota.

Yeah of course they can, they're my parents I have more respect for them then some kids I know. I think I can stick up for myself so why don't you go and line up with all the effed up people whos waiting for me too give a ****. What I do at mays house is my business, and I don't see anything wrong with that. If you wanna tell my parents then go ahead I have more important things in my life to deal with then your little ****ty as life. Peace out no life people.

eveieeexo replied 3639 days ago 1

No one said she was waiting for your apology . But what you did is effeddddd up .. Lellzaaa

She obviously is waiting for it. What I did was not the definition of effed up. This is my life my choice my decision my rules. its up to me weather I wanna tell her or not. She doesn't get to tell me what to do, no one can tell me what to do.

eveieeexo replied 3639 days ago 1