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Syed Faiz Ibrahim


Ask me anything you like anonymously

200 Replies

What you want to say about the violence & protest going around

See...I keep on saying that "Your Footprints on moon won't matter if your country is already quinched with terror or problems"
It's something horrible going in the country. I personally think that govt. should take some serious action. You have to listen to your citizens instead of blaming them. Country need peace not brutalization .

faiz0704 replied 1881 days ago

Have you ever been in a situation where you and friend drank a lot of soda/water, then unexpectedly had to go some place with parents?

Not soda/water but yes I had a heavy fast food before wen I actually wanted to go out with a function with my parents. I had to actually hide that thing and I lied that I was having a stomach ache.

faiz0704 replied 1882 days ago

Ky kisi ko baar baar hurt krna thik Hain?

Ye depend krta Hain ke what's the conversation is. See their is a difference between jhagadna and hurt krna.If you are talking with a person or u being close to him/her..jhagda & nok jhok honge hi. But hurting someone is bit odd and wo bhi baar baar it seems you or him/her is tolerating the words. You have to tackle out this coz 2 people never posses same thinking.

faiz0704 replied 1882 days ago

What's your favourite dish/snack/dessert ?

Ummm..its tough to decide. Not specific..If you give me choice ,I will give u negotiation for all πŸ˜‰

faiz0704 replied 1885 days ago

Ask me anything.

πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚...what's your secret identity

faiz0704 replied 1886 days ago 1

Your biggest mistake in 2019

Ummm...I tried to remember 2018

faiz0704 replied 1886 days ago

I am confused between my boyfriend and my best friend . And i am getting attracted towards my best friend. I am confused.

You are not confused ..u are on a wrong track. Assuming if both r different person,it was upto you whom you trust more. Attraction is natural,even i have being attracted to my girl bestie. Attraction changes so as best friends.Also Priority too changes.Attraction should not be confused with love. Its upto you how you deal with it.

faiz0704 replied 1887 days ago

What do you think about "world being a better place to live in"

Coz heaven is just a theory. The world we are living is a reality.Ideally it's not the way we want a world to be but yes all are sinners u ,me ,they. I don't knew the aftermath of death so yes world is a better place to live in or more often a practical life.

faiz0704 replied 1887 days ago

I think my best friend hav fallen for me but she did not told. I also like her should I approach

You are only assuming it. If she even likes you she won't tell for life. But you should try to tell your feelings out .Since you might b trusting each other,telling will not hurt much .

faiz0704 replied 1887 days ago

your facebook username?

I dont use fb much ..m more active on instagram

faiz0704 replied 2034 days ago

Is it okay to hold on to someone who treats you good and also leaves you unnoticed at times?

A Big Yes but sometimes its upto us nd our decision. But holding on to such people is still good. You should atleast try to find out the reason of leaving unnoticed. may be he or she has some valid one.

faiz0704 replied 2039 days ago

How would Earth look like without Mars vs Venus musings?

A big blue world

faiz0704 replied 2041 days ago

Is your heart too as big as a database?

No ...its just a piece

faiz0704 replied 2041 days ago

What is your height and weight?

Y πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚...U wish to calculate my BMI?

faiz0704 replied 2041 days ago

If you were a ghost, how would you haunt?

Ye toh bhoot bnne baad hi maalum pdenga πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

faiz0704 replied 2041 days ago