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Feni Ramadhanti


don't be a willy head

426 Replies

10 attractive year ten BSE?


fannylicious replied 3982 days ago 2

Am I pretty ? Braebs

of course brae 10/10

fannylicious replied 3999 days ago

How was your first kiss like ?

never kissed anyone x

fannylicious replied 4000 days ago

Do that big rate thing please, it's so interesting

No thnx

fannylicious replied 4001 days ago

Max VM
Billy M
Harry C
Hughie G
Mitch K
Simon D
Keely M
Wesley L
Markus R
Donte T
Zac N
Brody S
Brayden WT
Jordan S
Levi M
Angus M
Did it please, take 5 mins and you never do much in qooh me

Hahahahahah look i'd rather not soz but if ya REALLY wanna kno u can inbox cos cbf atm

fannylicious replied 4001 days ago

Rate on looks (frequently called most attractive guys)
Max VM
Billy M
Harry C
Hughie G
Mitch K
Simon D
Keely M
Wesley L
Markus R
Donte T
Zac N
Brody S
Brayden WT
Jordan S

too many ppl cbf soz

fannylicious replied 4001 days ago

I can answer the 42 thing

If you separate the numbers, translate to Japanese and put then back together it means death... That's is

U jesus

fannylicious replied 4001 days ago

Thoughts on Axel moss?

Axel Moss is a 10/10 kid with a great sense of humour and gr8 to be in a class with him even tho we don't really have any classes together anymore but axel u rock

fannylicious replied 4001 days ago 1

You love a ciggy ya dirty rat

Ahahahhahahaha yeah true mole

fannylicious replied 4001 days ago 1

Loves a dart aye

Um what

fannylicious replied 4001 days ago

I find it so funny how you think you're so better then everyone else

It's cos I am lol HAHAH im kidding is this a joke

fannylicious replied 4001 days ago

I lyk u fanny Ellawhitehead

I lyk u more baE

fannylicious replied 4001 days ago

No homo

Yes homo

fannylicious replied 4002 days ago

Why is 42 the answer to the universe? Why does the universe expand? Why does the sun create solar Flares? Why does the earth spin one way instead of the other? Is the extra terrestrial life? You are smart enough to be able to answer these questions so?


fannylicious replied 4002 days ago

I want to an*** **** you so bad!

what the

fannylicious replied 4008 days ago