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Ask me anything you like anonymously

26 Replies

I just thought you'd like to know that thanks to you Jayden's relationship will never be the same again. You ruined what made him truly happy and the special something he had with the person he wanted to spend the rest of his life with. Thanks a lot.

Well I'm not sure "anon" if you'd see this because my reply is a bit late, but I hope you do. I have to say I'm shocked "anon" (I know who you are) at the fact you would put something like this on this site. My settings on Facebook allow strangers to message me (I'm pretty sure) so maybe you should have put this discussion where it belongs. Besides it wasn't me who ruined anything. I had no clue about what was going on and I have to say I was shocked when it came to light. I'm sorry we ALL got hurt but I tried my best to be civil. I wish you both all the happiness from the bottom of my heart, I really do. If you want to talk to me please do and I'll greet you with nothing but kindness. I hope you got what you wanted from this, and that you are happy. That's all I can really say right now.

fashionista13888 replied 4287 days ago

Thanks for ruining my relationship.

Woah... What? What did I ever do? Who are you?

fashionista13888 replied 4412 days ago

why dont you stop correcting my grammar and start correcting your fashion

Oh... I see. You're the one that likes to punch yourself. How did that go by the way?

fashionista13888 replied 4438 days ago

Whatever you cut for the biebs, and excuse me don't question my spelling you dipwit that's how us non cutters spell it

Hahahaha nice try, but I was actually correcting your grammar.

fashionista13888 replied 4439 days ago

You are very awesome! Hahahaha heyitsjess

Nawwww thanks Jess! <3

fashionista13888 replied 4439 days ago 1

alma swaggg isnt a good thing !!!!! your a wanna be bieber #cut4bieber

*You're. Well swag depends on who's saying it. It means different things to different people, and I like to as*ume it was sent with the best intetions :) I would never cut for anyone.

fashionista13888 replied 4439 days ago

are you bi?

Well I like guys that I'm certain about, but when it comes to girls I'm not too sure to be honest lol. I haven't really made up my mind on that one. I might experiment with like kissing and stuff (which I've never done), but I doubt I'll ever have a crush on a girl in the same way as a guy or fall in love. Friends with benefits might work though lol. :P

fashionista13888 replied 4440 days ago

alma you have swagggggg

Thank you :)

fashionista13888 replied 4441 days ago

alma why are you such a Bit**

What goes around comes around.

fashionista13888 replied 4441 days ago

Nice URL loser. Your fashion sense makes me want to punch myself. Ew.

Ok then, please feel free to do so :)

fashionista13888 replied 4441 days ago

Would you have se* on the first date

Uhhhh... Dunno. Never had se* before and probably who I'm with would have an adverse effect on my decisions like if it were an ex as opposed to a stranger for example. But since I'm a virgin at the moment no. I definitely would not.

fashionista13888 replied 4441 days ago

Alma, are you a virgin? I'm asking this because I am not and like to no who is and isn't

A virgin and proudly so yes.

fashionista13888 replied 4441 days ago

You're crazy. fashionista13888

Who you calling crazy? You're the one who's talking to herself.

fashionista13888 replied 4441 days ago

Are you bored? fashionista13888

Why else would I be asking myself questions?

fashionista13888 replied 4441 days ago

Bra size???

Seriously? Ummmm.... B or C? Can't quite tell since I'm in Japan now and the sizes are different. But I was a B in nz and those one are a bit small now so... not to sure lol.

fashionista13888 replied 4442 days ago