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Creator of clockwise


Ask me anything you please ?ho

24 Replies

Its called guessing?


fidathegreat_ replied 2427 days ago 1

What did your last relationship teach you?

Never date a girl before cheek if she a btch

fidathegreat_ replied 2580 days ago

??Lemme guess...J.G. VW,Okh????

How did u know that

fidathegreat_ replied 2631 days ago 1 2

Who's your favorite celebrity

chrisbrown, da best

fidathegreat_ replied 2631 days ago 2

Where are schooling???

Jesus you want to get me killed , you might have to DM me cause a lot of haters watching

fidathegreat_ replied 2631 days ago 1

Why are you bored???

I don't sleep a lot , just kidding actually I don't no!

fidathegreat_ replied 2631 days ago

Why do you think people like/hate you?

I'm doing better than them in life

fidathegreat_ replied 2631 days ago 1

What's something that took you way too long to realize?

The world, I don't mean like the world it's self but how boring Namibia is I need to move to Norway and never come back ?

fidathegreat_ replied 2645 days ago

What are you currently worried about?

My exams ?

fidathegreat_ replied 2650 days ago

What type of people annoy you the most?

Bossi people??

fidathegreat_ replied 2701 days ago 1

What do you wish your parents understood?

For us teenagers to get the right to cellphone use at school

fidathegreat_ replied 2705 days ago

What phrase do you wish people would just stop using?

Nope ??? cool breeze ???????❄?

fidathegreat_ replied 2726 days ago

What makes you genuinely happy?

Black Americans chicks
and Angolan chicks

fidathegreat_ replied 2736 days ago

What does everyone seem to enjoy except you?

? a Jokes that does not make any sence ???

fidathegreat_ replied 2743 days ago

What is your number one rule?

Always great me with hug?if female if you dude hand shake will do ? ? ?? he'll no say what's up if your dude ????????? but if it's chrisbrown hand shake

fidathegreat_ replied 2749 days ago