Francis Makir
Last great thing you did ?
Played futbòl
Who do you look up to and why ?
Me, myself & I because I'm a hot niqqa
What's under your bed?
Maa kicks
What cheers you up ?
Good times
Rate yourself out of 10
11 I'm beyond and above like a boss
What do you want right now ?
School holidays
Are you a selfish person ?
How do you deal with someone with bad breath?
Mint af
Which movie s*cked for you this year ?
If your bank account had a mood ,what mood would it be in right now?
" let's go too KFC "
If you could choose any of your friends to be your servant for a day, who would you choose and what would you make them do?
Harry he has too say I'm better then him at Basketball and Footy and I'm faster than him
If you were the last human on Earth, what would you still do every day?
Whatever I want
What could you talk about forever?
If you could add a feature to what would that be?
Find out who anons are
A super power you wished you had and why ?
Close friend you want to ask out?
Not interested in asking anyone out
Money or Loyalty ?
Money+loyalty Mone-alty (;
Is Jackson are and bakhita chol dating ?
Who the fuqq is bahkita chol, sounding like a Kenyan
A bad habit you think you will never get rid of ?
Whats the thing you liked the most about your Ex ?
I don't have ex's I have y's like y the hell did I date you
I'll hack it again and get iOS21, haha
how did U get iOS twenty
I hacked Apple
iPhone,ipad and ipod users ,are you using IOS7 or IOS8 ?
I'm using iOS20
Last person you argued with and why ?
Can't remember
Thoughts on your angel bunny? xx Demeespargo
Tbh your funny as, really nice, knows how to keep a conversation, can trust you and can make me smile
Do it properly mate -.- milkshoes
Tbh you are one of the nicest girls I know, you know how to make me laugh and I can always have a laugh with you.
Thoughts? (Try and make it long) milkshoes
I'm a chicorn I can't do long thoughts
top hottest girls in your class
Harry and Adam set the bar quite high (;
who was talking about u and the girl down there in the questions
Lol what?
What do you spend your money on the most ?
What is the biggest frustration you’re facing now?
what's ur kik
tbh u 2 would be a good couple
Who is it?
I know who likes u ;)))
How do you deal with failure?
Keep trying until I succseed
How do you react when you encounter a homeless person?
I feel really sorry for the homeless
Who do you envy and why ?
Paul Pogba because of his young talent
Favourite age you've been so far and why ?
3 because the swag was real, hahahah
What job do u have
I'm a chicktionarist all I have to do is eat chicken
Thoughts on chicken?
Chicken is love chicken is life chicken loves me and I love chicken
how is ur chicken
Its on point
A body part you think you could do without ?
Don't know
Water melon will always win!! orlak
Chicken all the way
Thoughts on me? orlak
Tbh chicken is better then water melon
What Would You Do If You Woke Up The Opposite Gender ?
I'd be a thot
What's your favourite word or phrase ?
Would you travel to Mars if you knew you cannot come back?
The last thing you bought ?
What do you think is the most useless class in high school?
A memory you want to forget ?
Don't know
What is your nickname ?
Franis, F-ey boy
What does KFC have to do with me? Lol thanks! milkshoes
Nothing kfc is all mine
Your nice, funny, cool and kfc is life
Dream holiday destination ?
England, America or Spain
Date or mate
Mate mate mate mate
Would you rather date
Naima or Apanda
Rabica or Naima
Apanda or Rabica
Naima or Doreen
Doreen or Rabica
Apanda or Doreen
Tell the truth
Your obviously racist aren't you.
What does your perfect day look like?
Playing soccer all day
What have you always wanted ? Did you ever get it ?
To become a unicorn and yeah I did whe i was 10
your really good looking. X
What are you allergic to?
When was the last time you cried and why ?
What has wasted your time the most this year ?
Have u heard about the newest couple in 2k15
Yeah Shaylyn and Lachie
Lamborghini or Ferrari?
What is your biggest success up until now?
Football awards ⚽️
Girls and boys you trust?
There's a few
how many people have you tagged?
If money was no object, what would you do all day?
Play football ⚽️
Who would you want with you if you were stranded on a deserted island?
Idk probably mates
Wreck it Ralph, enough said haha
What’s my best physical feature?
Don't know
Your ranga twin stole your chicken today;') Courtneykate
Chicken is love chicken is life
what soccer team are you playing for this year
South Melbourne NPL
Plans for the new year ?
To become the king of the world
The best song in 2014 for you ?
Only a dream of reality milkshoes
Yeah yeah you enjoying your dream
who you calling a thot
You I seen you do the thot walk
Why wish for something's that's already true? milkshoes
Wake up your in a dream
I wanna French fry. So I'll eat a French fur.
Ok eat a French fur
guess who. Here's a hint I'm the best person in the world!
I'm the best in the world so I dont know how you think you are
Girl if u wanna a burger then eat a burger.
I'm a boy you thot
What question would you ask the president?
What's 9+10
What did you get for christmas ?
A bæ called chicken
Who would you take a bullet for?
Ronald McDonald and the KFC guy
I'm amazing. Just saying milkshoes
Wake up from your dream already
Bruh I didn't reck it:')✋ Courtneykate
You wreckt it Ralph the ranga
Guys leave them alone, they're just friends!
Thank you (:
You and Naima are nancis
And you and poop are poo-non
Do you and Naima have something going on
No, where just friends?
Do you and Naima have something going?
No, where just friends?
You and Naima would make the cutest couple
Nah we are just friends