Visit this profile later to see if your question was answered.
sorry not interested in pedos
best twat ive seen
good friend known you since i was like 1 sometimes a f** but still awesome guy. <3
how did you end up with that
all the dom belongs to me
a lesson from sam lo rosso 2x3=9 cant get any more complicated
That was alex but still woulda been te same
chloe a?- yes chloe p?- no
how many chicks have i banged?
You are my favourite bus budddy and maybe something more then a bus buddy (; You are HOT and just stop telling me that youre vag is itchy. Next time i wont be the one getting pushed into a bus
first spell his name right
ok i will if you write me one first (:
really locky? well i need someone to be my pinkman and get a RV and ill be mr white the old man nerd who breaks bad
geez ok um chloe you are a stripper that i would go to america and get $1 notes cos im tight and dont wanna throw $5 so i can flick each and eery note at you well you harass the pole(: oh and dont push me into a car again
the only not so smart asian i know
well idk if i want to pick two people who hate eachother for my amusement who people i like hmmmmm maybe lucy and chloe cos im closer to them more than any other girls and dey be funny
i agree
seems legit
not as much as you love me (:
damn right!!!!
are you sure you aint f**gy?
just to much for yo shiz
i think ive answered so scrol down if not too bad
Bestest of friends only met in bloody grade six (i say 6 years too late) always brings me up when im down and just a good friend xx
Chloe Chloe well you are still short so dont feel to tall nah ive known you since prep and youmare very funny (laughing at you not with you) haha remember last year when you had something on mr t's chair that was halerious should catch up xx
we can both be special (;
im hotter than you
where to get started well you have anger management problems that i really dont understand but entertains me (: and i have known u since i was like 1 or 2 but most of the time u r pretty nice
must i?
snort snort
i have nt ever fainted i think
wellll i dont really know you well but you seem like a good friend (:
like a sunrise
i love you too coincidence or not georgia asked me another question 1 min after this
eww beiber
eeewwww Beiber
its not my fault i just bring all does gurls to the yard
tom u little nazi german im good but use your ****ing qooh account cos im not even ****ing sure if this is tome nbut ill play alomg
poo is as small as a dolphins and smeells like roses
rrrrr ruff ruff grrrrrrrr
you are a poop
eeewww justin beiber
**** im so pumped got some shi* frm the thriftshop ice in the fringe its so damn frosty people damn thats a cold as* honkey
is that meant to chloe a cos i have no idea why that nigga is white
lucy. havent talked to candice in ages
idk if im in one
ive already responed to the same question so scroll down and look for it
ummm let see nick candice dean and chloe samuel and shayna
damn right Bit**
ummmm dolphin poo (:
im f***ing shouting but your not here are you
harro school is great
I have not touch Chloe Armbands t*** but there is a very good story behind nick and dean when they did
hey michael im pretty sure it was meant to be anonymous but whatever well michael is a camel that likes to spit on people a lot well mostly me(has good accuracy)
tom lonsing lachlan jeanes
a pedo( admitted by herself)
idk you tell me
tom lonsing
you know who you are
jen d
not bad
nice friend
good friend
kik me fredash
who is this please tell me