Would you still become Muhammed friend again
What happened between you and Muhammed in grade 10
we drifted
Have you ever been on a trip where everyone drank heaps on the bus ride, and when you stopped/arrived there were no bathrooms?
strange...but no???
Tyreece is hella lucky yo?
Yes tell him??♀️?
Trade takis for nik naks? ?
anyday Riley????
Did you wear a panty to school today ?
go away creep.
Do you chat with older guys ?
yeah,but only as friends.
What school do ya go to and what's ya nationality??
abbotts college
and i’m south african
How many boyfriends have u had??
not many:)
Are you and Tyrece dating
Hiya????You seem super nice wanna be friends????
(Daarsy ekt n lekker qooh gestuur?)
hey,yeah sure x???
What's the worst thing that u would do to a boy(mean wise) ?
Favorite American ?
Wanna play some fortnite?
who dis?
Would you ever date a black guy
i’ve already answered this previously.
Accept my fortnite request ???
What's ur PSN?
When are u posting again?
probably this weekend
Do u miss going to school?
no ways:)
Why do u like mizing ppl???
sorry bro??♀️?
Lmao at the guys on this ???
Woah sht i was blown away when i opened insta?
Your stunning beautiful face was the first thing i saw??
Check ur WhatsApp??
lol okay?
Would you date muhammed
Will u go out with me?? ?✨❤️
who are you??
Do you miss being friends with him
we weren’t that close anyways??♀️
Who is this Mohammed that you no longer friends with
What about Muhammed in your school
dude i don’t even talk to him anymore??
are you and Tyrece togther
Do you like nik naks
riley bro???
Name your best boy friends
i’m not lis to type all their names??
Good boy friend in school ??
i have a few:)
Who’s your boyfriend ??
don’t have one:)
Don’t let them haters break you you BEAUTIUFL inside and out so don’t let them break you they just jelouse ?
thank you x❤️
Wow! What age do you reckon you stopped being ticklish?
why so many questions about me being ticklish???
Which city do you live in ?
Who is your ex ??
so curious i see
yeah,i’m not ticlklish
Really honestly and truly swear on your familys lives?
what?that i’m not ticklish??
What irritates u the most??
What's the most embarrassing moment you've had in life??
i’m not sure,i’ve had so many
How ticklish are you and where? or too shy to admit to it?
tbh im not really ticklish.
Who is seanna
my fortnite bestie?
Best birthday gift this year??
everything tbh??
Howcome u were with ur ex yesterday?
so i can’t hang out with my ex??
Why are you so rude?
guess it’s in my nature.??♀️
Any relationship plans for 2018??
Are blessah's still a thing to u or is it over ???
luyunda i know this is you?❤️
Are u still on snapchat??
U so hot like honestly how are u not with someone u so gorgeous and don’t change❤️
thank you x??
Happy birthday pretty girl ❤️❤️
thank youuuu❤️❤️
Y don't u answer my dm
what’s your username?
Keen on making new friends? est.03
sure dm me x
How’s my Besty doing on her birthday ?
it’s gooood ??
Where you from
wherever you want me from??
Do u like it rough nd big
Can you please follow, comment and like my recent please I'd really appreciate it ???@kam_spirxcy_xx
You such a ****
look who’s hiding behind anonymous.?
I know you may not know me but you must stay pretty and don’t let anybody tell you other wise ❤️
thank you?
you know I really don’t find it right that you busy carrying on with other people’s boyfriends
if I was your I would leave “him” alone otherwise there will be trouble
and this is not a threat I’m just warning you
i’m “terrified”
Why are you obsessed with dck
hayden is this you???
You really so BEAUTIUFL ❤️WOW!!
thank you x?
Who’s your boy best friend ?
my hubbbyyyy
Who’s your new boyfriend ?
i’m single.?
Who is good looking in your school ??
i don’t find anyone attractive at my school
Do you like an***
tf is going on with these weird questions??
If your crush asks for a bj what will you say
isn’t she also leandro’s ex?
and your point is?
who the fck is this seana chick?
why she tagging you?
seanna is my friend.and it’s not gonna change because of some boy.
I’m going to pull you at the next social
first gotta know who you are.?
Who is the coolest American
How old are you
turning 15.
You don’t have to answer this
What would you do if
Muhammed killed him self
the fck.
You down to make new mates?
yeah x
At this point in your life,what would u say that you want the most?
What instantly makes you attracted to a person?
looks and personality,and of course their love for nandos.??
What made you happy today? 100+
that i’m finally on holiday