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Gabrielle Hasell


Ask me anything xx

258 Replies

How was the year 2016 for you , so far ?

It's actually been the worst year of my life, until a few weeks ago

gabzxoxo replied 2786 days ago

Your actually so pathetic, how do you have friends? Your fat, ugly, a loser and your a loner. I really hope you die one day because someone like you doesn't deserve to be alive.

Thanks for lowering my self esteem ?

gabzxoxo replied 2803 days ago

What have you noticed about yourself recently?

How much I've changed

gabzxoxo replied 2927 days ago

What would put a smile on your face today ?

Shae ?

gabzxoxo replied 2968 days ago

Thoughts on Bree?

She is such a lovley girl. Easy to talk to, fun to be around, really pretty and has the best persinallity. Have so many good memories with her. We used to be close at one stage but then we kinda split and went our seperate ways. Deserves the best in life and deserves to be happy :)

gabzxoxo replied 2971 days ago

What's a lesson you learned the hard way?

There is alot but the main 2 would have to be
Learning who my real fiends are
Who i can trust

gabzxoxo replied 2971 days ago 2

I knew things wouldn't last with you and amber, you always screw things up that's what your good at

Cheers, and who said it was me who screwd things up? Could of been her! Ever think of that?

gabzxoxo replied 2971 days ago

If you were suddenly elected president, what would be your first thing you do?

I dunno

gabzxoxo replied 2974 days ago

Go sleep with more guys, that's all your good at.

Cheers annon. What a great way to make girls feel good about themselves

gabzxoxo replied 2978 days ago

What the hell anon that's so rude you don't say that to people keep your head up gabby :) Tomirose123

Thanks :)

gabzxoxo replied 2978 days ago

Kill yourself. No one likes you or wants you here.


gabzxoxo replied 2978 days ago

Why does Amber even like you? Your not even pretty. Casey is way more pretty than you. Haha kill yourself you fat slt

Maybe because she likes my personality

gabzxoxo replied 2978 days ago

I never cared about you or loved you. The whole 8 moths we went out it was all a joke. Haha

Thanks. Nice to know.

gabzxoxo replied 2978 days ago

What is good in your life right now?

Nothing at all

gabzxoxo replied 2983 days ago

What is the most crushing thing anyone has said to you?

There is a few

gabzxoxo replied 2986 days ago