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hes a super duper awesome indian dj ! hes my fav terrorist <3
all round awesome guy(: ,haven't heard anything bad about him x
does know :L
depends who this is haha ,fb me <3
cool guy(: easy to talk to ,nice, like his clothes ha x
she sure was ! x
i could write a chapter!<3
first of all,she is like a sister to me(: she's always there to listen to my stupid problems,
i can trust her with my life! even if i sometimes keep secrets from her,she'l always find out.
our sleepovers are thee best! i love it when i go to her house and she makes me food :3
she's so gorgeous and i hate it when she doesn't believe me!
we have the most amazing memories! (:
im glad she came to nz ,she's my best friend and i love her!<3
nice abs! ;)
don't really know him,but from what i've heard he's pretty cool(:
...oh and he's cute ;3
which one ? O_o x
seems like an awesome guy,
rndont really know him that much anymore,
rni think it s*cks that we never hangout even though we\'re neighbours! :L x
a Dic*.
only because he wont tell me why he's ignoring me and because he makes up rumours about me.
other than that,he used to be a good friend
ok ,whatever floats your boat mate x
he's a cool guy(: glad he's one of my mates x
all the way to australia ;) x
hes really out there but its cool coz hes always himself (:
i actually dnt knw,he wont tell me
he's so awesome!real friendly and funny but wish we were better friends (: x
well sorry but i cant go back to being the 'old me' any more because people change when they get older :L x
wut ?
oh i went to sleep sorry! im good(: on my way to christchurh,see you monday!(: x
okay i understand <3 thanks (: x
talk to me on fb <3
hannah haimes <3
its not harming any1 else.. so its my choice,i dont do it constantly just when i need to :L but thanks for caring x
Not anymore.. :L
whats yo number? ;) haha
Been there done that
tehee thankies (: x
what are those? ;)
well..who's this? ;)
nice abs! cool personality and real kind (:
for sure ,err'day x
sam gifkins or tane
he's really kind ,awesome and has a great personality,im glad he's my friend(:
thanks ~rhiannon <3
rhiannon because she is my wifey x