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there was quite alot, it was funny to watch all the wastys (:
hhaahaha no, we went in there to get some quiet from all the ruckas outside
thankyou i'm sure you are very beautiful xox
tell me something i don't know
maybe just a little bit fat may need to lose a little weight but i'm not perfect. but thankyou for your kind words <3
i dont think im hot if you new me you would have noticed that i'm insacure as f*** so thats rank of you to so so to awnser your 'question' i dont think im hot, and yeah as someone said before im sorry im f***ing trying to lose weight thanks for putting me down im not a slu* though im sorry i know what a slu* is and im not one.
thats nice to know thanks :/
sorry, i'm trying my hardest to lose weight..
shes a cutie and amazing <3 love her
thankyou very much
sorry i'm not perfect but i try my hardest to be nice to everyone sorry to disappoint you nobodys perfect :/
hahahaha um thankyou
not going to say if i have or not