Georgia Buckley
Did you date Chris Joubert?
What's something you fell in love with instantly?
You still having a thing with Papas ?
Thoughts on Chris Joubert?
Haven’t seen him in like 2 years ?
Why did you and Chris Joubert break up?
What are you even going on about ?
Are you still friends with Tristan's sister? ( I can't remember her name )
Yep, Tayla
Do you know of any parties or jols coming up. If so, where and when???
There's one this Friday at the table view football club
What are you currently worried about?
My Twin ❤️
Back with the guy you kinda cheated on your ex with, very classy of you girl
Tf is your problem? Why tf do you even care? Get your own life to worry about pleaaaaase?
Do u think jade is upset with you?
Why is jade always crying
Idk ask her ?
What will you never ever do again?
Eat bananas
Do you answer dms
Depends if I know you or not ?
You and Pappas together?
Ye ye
You and Pappas vibing?
I hate that word so much ?
What do you wish had never happened to you?
Nothing really tbh. Everything that I've been through has made me the strong woman that I am today ???
What's something you tried really hard to like but just couldn't?
Alcohol ??♀️
You having a thing with Shaun Walder ?
How can you be a better person?
Maybe try studying
Your smile, perfect
Thank you!?
Hottest guy in your grade?
Who do u ship Jordan F with?
Eyes on anyone?
Eyes are on my tv rn
What is the happiest thing that has happened to you in the past 24 hours?
The realization that I have a family that cares so much for me
What quote do you live by?
Everything happens for a reason
You with Jordan Ross? ??
Wtf is wrong with you people? I've said no and that we are friends once so please don't ask me again. Jordan Ross Farquar is my friend?
what going on with you and Jordan R F?
Jordan is my frienddddddd
Georgia what is your type of guy ?
Honestly just a genuine and fit guy
I like pigs. Pigs are cute ?
What needs to stop ?
Snaking ?
I have quite a few
Who you taking to the dance?
I don't know
What type of people annoy you the most?
The type of people that I can see right though
I wish you and Tristan were together
Well everything happened for a reason
You and damian?
You with Nicolas again?
What do you wish your parents understood?
The youth today
I wouldn't mimd getting to know a beautiful women like you.??
Thank you x
Why are you mad at tristan if you're the one that played him?
Who said I'm mad?
Why don't you follow me anymore
Idk who you are
I miss you, we're not close like we used to x
Message me ?
I dmed u ?? by they way ur feed is ??
Thank you
What are you afraid to admit you don't understand?
I back Max on this one, I don't understand the true meaning of love
Can I dm u u look so nice and kind
Yeah it's always nice to meet new people
Can I dm u ? I think we've spoken before but u seem like such an a approachable girl
Yeah x
You're such a fake person ?x
Just thought I should let you know, but you probably already know
I'm really not ? But I'm not going to make you think otherwise ??♀️
Ur so hot and I think we've spoken before but not sure but u look like such a sweet girl
Thank you x
Hey how old are u
Hey I'm five
You and Nathan vibing?
No, friends x
Nathan Victor?
Cool guy ?
Vibing with anyone rn?
Do you still look at yours and Tristan's photos
I used to a lot. But I've accepted the fact that it's over now x
Spoke a bit with you at a party the other night wish we spoke more???(we know one another)
Message me, spoke to a lot of people x
At milnerton tennis club on the 25th
It's on the 21st x
Are you going to supreme?
Why aren't you friends with Caitlin D anymore
I am x
Who do you have feelings for
No one
Who do you have feelings for
No one
Are you vibing with anyone atm?
What phrase do you wish people would just stop using?
"Smile and the world smiles with you"
Let's stay friends georg
Message me
What do you never trust?
What makes you genuinely happy?
That's a difficult one
You should be called a trampoline because you jump from boy to boy
Trampolines don't jump??♀️
What do you think of Shane Rosalind and Michael Oliveira ?
They're pretty coool??
Wish were still close and spoke more often saw you last night you probs know who this is ????
Dm me
Somebody told me you have a winky
Do I look like a boy to you ? ? So no I don't
What is the biggest way people waste money?
On other people
Would you give Tristan a blumpkin
Do you like celery sticks up your a$$
I heard Tristan analed you ???
You so anonymous
Who are the new guys this time?
Jade Stanley ???
Would you let Tristan sht on your face to get him back?? ?
Hell naw. He will come back if he wants to come back ?
What does everyone seem to enjoy except you?
Smoking ?
What is your number one rule?
Stay strong, no matter who tf tries to bring you down. Can't touch this. ??
Aren't you obsessed over tristan because everyone thinks that ?? you get so over protective over him even though he isn't even yours, this is so funny ?
Can I tell you what is also funny. What's your name, anonymous btch?
Which megan is tristan vibing with?
How do u feel about Megan and Tristan?
Don't feel anything about that. Absolutely nothing.
Where are you
Currently in my bed??
Do u like making new friends
Yes always
What should be free, but isn't?
Food tf
If you were forced to wear a warning label, what would it say?
Courtney Janeiro???
My twin ?
Been there since day one.
I love her with all my heart and soul
How come u aren't friends with her anymore?
Because I can't trust her
R u friends with Caitlin D?
Hell no
Missing your SoundCloud. Please come back ?.
Hey you stunning human❤️ I think you are the most amazing friend❤️ And I love your laugh
Love you tooo!!! ❤️❤️And it is very rare for someone to like my laugh ....??
why are you amazing ?
The thing is. I'm not
Why did you delete your SoundCloud songs?
Because society is fcked up and everyone just has to be perfect