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okey dokey poki loki
That I'm a ***** and just really cruel???
not alot, just been chilling, writing and sleeping
No he didn't regret the decision the moment he made it... i know that for a fact that this is a lie. If he really regretted it, he wouldn't have said all those things about not being in love with me anymore and stuff like that. I made sure that he wasn't just having a meltdown and overacting, i made sure to see if he regretted it and he didn't. He didn't want me until he knew he could never get me back and thats what made me so mad at him...
idk, i cry and get headaches and cry and yell and makes me want to slap someone..
Okay first things first, you sure you have the right chick? Haha and secondly who are you? And last thank you, I guess for saying this about me haha, I feel very confident about my badassary :')
Oh okay! I wasn't being serious but sure, if you really want to.
Nauh, I don't honestly know what was going through his mind, I mean you could ask him, but yeah I don't know why he did what he did...
Yeah! I'm very very happy with Chris :)
aw thank you :)
Kevin broke up with me because he said he wanted to see other people... It did not end very well at all... we still wanted to be friends, so about a week after our break up we met up and it was so strange... Then, I started to fall for someone else (Chris) and I guess, after that we stopped talking and we just lost contact. It's so strange that I spent 8 months of my life with him and they could just go away so quickly like they never really happened. But I have Chris now, who is lovely and amazing and just so sweet and I'm very happy with him.
Yeah, it drives me insane xo but it's weird, despite my fears, I still go out and come home safe, so nothing that I've predicted has ever happened, so I guess it's all in my head haha
no, I wouldn't. It scares me enough knowing that a the world could end any moment from a meteor hitting us or even a world war 3 happening, causing a nuclear bomb to destroy our world...
Yes! Terrified! I don't know what'll happen...
haha that's kind of cool, my list is sort of endless though I can't go out anywhere with a fear of thinking that this or that'll happen, that I might spontaneously die in a car crash or a wall might collapse on me or the entire shopping mall I'm in might fall... it's kind of crazy, I know.
Not too well, actually. I have this throbbing headache and I can't get to sleep and I have another round of work experience tomorrow, in which I'm so not ready for.
Hmm, I have a few, I mean, I'm kind of terrified of everything the world throws at me. But one of my biggest fears is the dark and the night in general, the ocean, heights, planes, ending up alone, dying, world know, the common things people have fears about I guess.
Aw thank you :)
Um not sure! I hope to publish a few good novels in my lifetime???
No, I want to be a writer but I couldn't really get any work experience around that area so I'm just going with my nan
Skye Primary School :)
Todd and Viola :')
um I shave, but if i had the money and junk i'd get everything waxed :3 i feel like my legs would just look flawless with a wax :)
Aw thank you, lovely, whoever you are! I feel like we all deserve someone who makes us happy and we all need someone that's there for us!
oh shut up, what the hell do you know?
idk, it just does I guess...I'm a very jealous person and I think of crazy ideas haha sorry!
this makes me wildly uncomfortable
idk am I a s.lut? define your meaning of the world first...
frilly socks, cute skirts, fantasy weapons, video games and pretty dresses and shoes (✿◠‿◠)(✿◠‿◠)
A few people actually, the most recent one was my mum... she sent me a picture of the best burger ever and didn't even take me to the place *heart broken* :'(
Aww thank you :)
He doesn't s*ck at all. The only person who s*cks here is you because your just some low life prick who likes the insult people in front of a screen...
rudeness and cruelty
haha awesome
This is so ****ing rude If you want to start judging/calling my boyfriend names why don't you actually say it to me and not be a pathetic person and say it behind a screen just because you dont have the balls to say it in person.
4 months and a bit
thank you whoever you are
earwigs >.<
No, I'm Chris's Bae... his baeritto
yeahhh i do have a boyfriend
10 years of me ignoring you, sweeet
i dont even knowwwwwwwwww
kind of... We had to write out a storyboard and Daniel and I came up with some ideas (only got one storyboard panel) and we also went out to look at places around the school we could film so we could go into more depth with it next week i guess
Carl Carlson :* xo
going to go to chris's then go visit my gran and then get homework done and write a storyy :)
watching looney tunes :)
I really wouldn't know to be honest
Latias and Latios because I don't know, Pokemon Heros is the best movie to ever be made :p
okay :) thanks :3
im thinking about it yess :3 but would i go as her from bioshock infinite or burial at sea??
No he is not possessive at me at all. I make all my own decisions, I choose to always hang out with him, I choose to do what I want. He is not possessive at all and even if he was a bit, who cares? If that's who he is, that's who he is and I love every bit of him. He won't become possessive of me, so you have nothing to worry about but I highly dislike the way you just like to assume that he is "possessive" just because you've heard some rumors on the streets.
I hang out with friends a little, but I mostly hang out with my boyfriend, why do you ask??
I don't know, we stopped talking cause we were hanging out with different types of people I guess? I was hanging out with Chris and she was hanging out with other friends and I guess we drifted apart. I dont know
you forgot to put it on anon, fgt.
~not in order~ the last of us bioshock infinite skyrim doom 64 fallout 3 far cry 3 (shhh i know theres 6) :p
ooh that's a tough one... I mean there are so many o.O
that im a terrible person and that i get sad easilyyy
That makes me a sad panda :((((
people are just seedy and grotty ///
no i would not
wow you got some balls
would you???
No, he is beautiful and perfect and i couldn't ask for anyone else :)
Buses, stores, man suing a friend for *exual harassment and cannibals xo
its just a really weird question
what does it matter to you though?
nope why the hell would i do that?
um what kind of pics?
eat ****
oh my gosh lets be buds cause im afraid of the ocean too :3
im in bed, being sick and tired sup with you?
haha yes, i fart at the worst times ~
what is???????????
the power shapeshift
I don't know, maybe at giving advice????////? i can't very much be the judge of what I am and what I'm not good at
um no. I mean, call me a heartless person for saying no but I believe what Kevin and I had was good, it was a good run and like all good things they have to end eventually and I have come to accept that and move on.
yes yes i did