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Thanks anon! it didn't really but hopefully the rest go ok.
YES mum hahahaha
Aww your making me blush! haha Trust me, Im sure everyone would. Thanks <3 x
Thanks Jess!! Ifeel exactly the same about you. You are beautiful and always are so kind to everyone, makes me wish I could be like you. <3 x
woah calm the farm, you wouldnt even know? I havent been out with you, because I dont go out with rude people
Seth, Matt, Dayne :)
DEANIE! what a cutie :P ( well I as*ume its you hahah) <3
Random haha?? Nah I needa stop being so lazy, do a defensive driving course and then I can book it :)
Well I dont really have one best friend. Izzy O'Connor long time friend, Emma G, Abbey Phillips, Dean <3
Thanks so much! you are great too anon!
Umm am I?? Tim if its you, you and Lucia are a cute couple too!
Really! Aww thats so cute! who are you??
I think, Kristian and Anna.. Jess and Ryan Im not sure, there arent many at the moment
I don't know who Deans best mate is?? I didnt think boys had bbfs?
hahahahaha!! I used too!! but it was agges ago. So anonymous he is all yours now :P xx
ummm, all of the year 12s are awesome. For guys I would say Nick B, Abe, John, taffy ahh idk.. for girls I would say Ashley, Bambi, Clare... Im sure theres more too :)
Girl or Boy??
Aww thanks so much!. well people like you make my day that little bit better :) <3
Yep I can be! But everyone has their own things going on that not everyone knows about everyone has their faults, I try to be nice..
Umm well I wonder all the time. They say opposites attract, but they don't mention the part about how someone opposite to you can be annoying sometimes hahah thats the best I can explain :)
Well basically depends what day of the week you ask and what mood Im in :P we will last untill Something bad happens I spose, Dean if you read this be good :D haha
Aww well thanks anon.. you are lovely for being so nice :D
hahaah :P well I think all of them are cool guys, except when they wind me up :D
nnaww thanks! you are too.. ( all though I don't know you)
wow um okay... Dayne, Hugh, ( yeah St Pauls) Kristian, Seth, Gabe, Andrew, Dean, obviously, had a few crush moments which prob aren't worth mentioning.. But cant think of others? :)
Well I feel that I am closest with Dean... but friend wise I'm not really sure because you never know who to trust these days!
Nah, I think that the year 11s are a really great year and they are all sweethearts :)
nnawww thanks so much! your hair is probably amazing too :)
ummm I'm sorry, I'm not allowed to say, I don't think?? Dont wanna get in trouble :P
probably, Emma, Abigail, Anna few that come to mind but everyone is gorgeous in their own way x
Sorry! but relationships are between 2 people :)