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Ask me anything you like anonymously

12 Replies

What's missing in your life ?

My bestfriend

goo0004 replied 3524 days ago

Are you a selfish person ?

Not that i know off

goo0004 replied 3553 days ago

If you were the last human on Earth, what would you still do every day?


goo0004 replied 3588 days ago

ayyy don't fūcking pick on Corey cūnt or I'll snap your neck or jam my foot down your fūcking throat, you dumb fūck

Thanks shelby (i have no clue who it is just guessing (; )it means alot

goo0004 replied 3616 days ago

Why the **** would she admit it to U?!? She would feel so daym bad!! She told me she hates it so **** off you backstabbing ****


goo0004 replied 3617 days ago

Lamborghini or Ferrari?


goo0004 replied 3695 days ago

UR such a ****! U acted like my best freaking friend then went off and told ppl all of my secrets! U should lay off amy she hates being called big t*** and im pretty sure any girl would!! **** off!!!!

Mind Ya own buissness and you can get atuffed you don't know anything by saying stuff she hasn't said she can talk don't you know that

goo0004 replied 3789 days ago

What do you s*ck at?

Not sure?

goo0004 replied 3894 days ago

You should just leave Amy alone she doesn't like you and probably never will I'm doing her a favour by doing this because I love her and your creeping her out

Maybe I don't care what she thinks all I want her to know is I love her and care about her

goo0004 replied 3902 days ago 1

What pisses you off the most?

Not being able to be with somone you really like.

goo0004 replied 3925 days ago

Thoughts on Shelby?(:


goo0004 replied 3929 days ago 1

Guess who?????

Idk who

goo0004 replied 3933 days ago