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libbys gaayy <3

493 Replies

Is it same name as this

Nah that wouldn't work :( it's graaceyc

graacey replied 3965 days ago

Why are you grounded

I don't even know I'm pretty sure I didn't do anything. all I got told was that I had 'been caught' so who the **** would know

graacey replied 3965 days ago

Whats your link

I just put it on Fb haha go into my profile and it will be there

graacey replied 3965 days ago

What are you doing these holidays

Well I'm grounded Atm haha :/ but on Tuesday I'm off to Auckland for the week

graacey replied 3965 days ago

It is better make one

I shall do that now for you anon yes?

graacey replied 3965 days ago

You should get an

I was thinking about it, everyone says it's a lot better

graacey replied 3965 days ago

Dont listen to these haters you dont deserve it

Aw thanks :) but I don't care they can think whatever they like because they know nothing

graacey replied 3965 days ago

Im falling for a guy but I can't help it im worried I dont think my best friend will approve

Aww well it's not really you're best friends choice you can't help who you fall for and if they were really you're best friend they would be happy for you :) you don't need to worry there feelings you can't help who you like

graacey replied 3965 days ago

Do you have a weird obsession

With food

graacey replied 3966 days ago

3 things you need in life

Oxygen food and water are a pretty big three for me eh

graacey replied 3966 days ago

Do you not think libby and you have a cute relationship

Why is everyone always going on about how cute we are? We're 15 'cute' isn't really much of a compliment. Sure we get on good and we've been best friends for 5 years, that's not cute it's called being true friends? And having a good friendship

graacey replied 3966 days ago

Whats ha.

Exactly what it looks like? Ha. ?

graacey replied 3966 days ago

You and libby have the cutest friendship


graacey replied 3966 days ago

Your ****en obsessed

An you're ****ing annoying, you don't even know anything about it, it's not like I'm sitting there trying to get something out of nothing he's exactly the ****ing same so **** you for making my night ****

graacey replied 3966 days ago

Because your not together you broke up

Aw I'm glad we have a expert here on the relationship that there not even a part of, and yeah we did broke up but were exactly the same and both still like each other and if were both happy why change how we are? You just need to stay the **** out of something that has nothing to do with you and that you know nothing about

graacey replied 3966 days ago