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Grace Woodbridge


Ask me anything you like anonymously

52 Replies

Tbh Charlotteseller


graceewoodbridge replied 3895 days ago

What are you really good at?


graceewoodbridge replied 3903 days ago

You are beautiful (;
These people giving you hate, have no idea.
They are just jealous babe xx
You'll never be ugly or whatever they call you.
I love you xx you are one of the best things that happened in this world. Xoxo Wtaf1234

Ty x

graceewoodbridge replied 3903 days ago

Why are you people so mean grace you are amazing and of these people get to you stop letting them they are all ugly little cun**


graceewoodbridge replied 3903 days ago

my god ****. saying you want someone who will love you. u had caleb who liked u but u had to s*ck face with another guy at a party infront of him didnt u?!

Go away. 1. He wasn't there. 2. Neither were you.

graceewoodbridge replied 3903 days ago

r u dating caleb zammit?


graceewoodbridge replied 3904 days ago

His just stupid, nobody will ever like somebody like you xD

I have good friends, some family and other people who support me. I'm pretty sure at least one person loves me. when you have children.. and they come to you and say that somebody is saying this stuff to them, and see how depressed they are. how will you feel? think.

graceewoodbridge replied 3906 days ago

How did you get caleb, you are ew

honestly, I know i am. but please leave me alone?

graceewoodbridge replied 3906 days ago

You should legit just die yah?

can you's just like leave me alone please.. no? no I'm not going to listen to you and suggesting all this stuff about me over anon makes you seem like a totally dip sh it. I don't care what you think of me if your to afraid to own up to who you are. this might make other people feel sh it but it makes me feel goood because well, I'm a way better person then you. now please, go away I can't handle laughing anymore :)) x

graceewoodbridge replied 3907 days ago

Please don't listen to the haters cause your perfect.Your so fuking pretty and stunning! We aren't as close as what we were which I don't like but sht happens. They are just jealous of you! PLEASE EVERYONE STOP GIVING GRACE HATE!Luv ya ♡ Shanae.mcgillivray

love you..

graceewoodbridge replied 3907 days ago

You are the biggest **** ****ing hell!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


graceewoodbridge replied 3907 days ago

Don't listen to the haters.
I don't know you well, but from what I've seen you are such a beautiful girl, inside and out.
These people don't know what the **** they're on about.
You aren't worthless or anything of the sort.
Keep your chin up and stay strong. x tamikafraser_

thanks so much x

graceewoodbridge replied 3908 days ago 1

I miss the old you :(

who's this?

graceewoodbridge replied 3908 days ago


Thanks ): xx You too xo

graceewoodbridge replied 3909 days ago

Who are you dating?

Narrr one :')

graceewoodbridge replied 3910 days ago