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Aha im not so sure about that.... Only time will tell, but at the moment, never
Yez pls ^_______^ kawaii nickleback
naaah she's a bit of a slu*
Alice Bersee, is one of the most amazing gals i have met, she's so gorgeous and her personality is just to die for. her artwork is freaking awesome and she is a very strong woman and i admire that. i have a feeling we're going to be friends for a long time
Zakery Wilson is such a great guy, even though we've had some very dark patches, it's all starting to clear up now and im really happy about that :) he's always able to make me laugh and is such a nice person. I can trust him with anything
a successful career, have my own house and lots of friends :D
to find the Holy Grail
Sir Lancelot
possible, i've never personally been there so i dunno
sure, the kitchen is over there. help yourself
depends on her age
tyvm gorgeous x
shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh :3
yeah i'm fine thanks for asking :)
my jaw's still a bit sore though, but i'll be good in a few days ;)
you can, as long as they are from a foreign nation
right back at you babe <3