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No one, I love Ethan too much ❤️
Ethan and my friends
When Ethan asked me to be his
Ethan :3
Ethan xx
Ethan <3
More than anything <3
Aw, who are you? Inbox or bbm me? :3
I can sum up pretty much the entire other two groups, as they may as well be a ginormous jelatonus blob to me anyway. They're solipsistic, conformist to their groups leader, filled with counter-productive pride, immature, their behavior is lacking of much, if any, maturity, they have lack luster comebacks to fights they begin, and depending on the person, they're usually trying to be like a fictional character or Taylor Swift or something. Inbox or bbm me tho?
The fact that I don't give two fu.cks what they think, and when they're trying to hurt me, it doesn't hurt
you'd have to be more specific, and I don't know if it's someone who's legitimately fat or you're simply saying that out of hatred. But I hate pretty much everyone that's not in my little group, like, I don't mind a couple from the other groups, but most of them are overly immature and full of themselves.
Probably *****ing about me, or purposely about someone im close to or when they say one thing and do the opposite..
it's on Instagram and stuff, probably just don't want to be one of those annoying people who share them every two secondsssss. Doesn't really look like I need to share it, you managed to find it. :~)
Like everyone almost
I was on shard, lol.
Perfect <3
Like forty five minutes or so
Spend it with Ethan
I have several different ones..?
They're all ****heads, they're abusive, uneducated ****s, there's not really much detail needed for them as they have extremely shallow personalities
Huntly shorts and a pioneers guernsey because it's quiche ;)
He tried getting in with me and I wouldn't even let him get to first base, he's such a creep, ugh.
Oh, alright..
Not sure if sincere or sarcastic..
He tried telling people I cheated on him, it's like, I didn't want to be with you because: 1. You're a verbally and physically abusive cun t 2. You use me for money and nothing else 3. You sook about everything and it's all my fault 4. I can't have friends because you don't 5. You can't even shower, wtffffff I could go on forever, but there's a few reasons why I got rid of him I actually regret all that time I wasted tbh.
Is there a video? If there is, can someone post it on Facebook and tag me? :')
Yes, it was actually so perfect. He worked so hard to get the money to buy it, and it's so beautiful. I'm not quite sure what you meant, but it's like a promise ring, and it's for Christmas. I can clarify more if you need but yeah. <3
How so?
I can't even have a comeback because I don't know who this is, but if you're friends with them you probably require ten times more functioning brain cells than you've actually got..
With what..?
Yeah, but he'll deny it. Also, off topic, but am I the only one that laughed about Grant knocking him out? Cos that's priceless as fu ck :')
AHAHAHAHAHAHA, VICTORY, IM SORRY, BUT SKONES :') And you're obviously friends with those stoner rats, so you're probably a supplier or a *ex toy for them.
What didn't he would be a better question, but I don't really care, I got so happy when I left him and what he's said hasn't made an impact on my life, I've been asked about the things he's said a few times, but he's just made himself look like an even bigger ****head than he already did
Pretty cute how you think I actually find that offensive..
Well if it isn't the immature stoners from Crusoe, with their same four comebacks :~)
Not one bit, considering he's an abusive idiot and made up rumours about me when I broke up with him :~)
Yes, omg, when? xxxxxxxx
first of all, Ethan is so perfect, inside and out, everything about him, there's no other way to put it. he's honestly the best thing that's ever happened to me and I love him so so much. he always makes me so happy, even when I don't think I'll ever be happy again. it's so wonderful how I can trust him, our d'n'ms are honestly the cutest. I really love how smart he is too, it's great to have an intelligent conversation with someone, and when he talks nerdy to me, holy I love that. I really love all the cute surprises and things he does for me, like, when he too me on an icecream date, then we went to the park, he held my hand and looked into my eyes while he sung to me, then kissed me on the cheek and asked me out. you know how girls are always like 'I want a relationship where he gives me his clothes, takes me to meet his friends and acts the same around them, let's me fall asleep on him, ect ect' well I've got that, and aw, it's the best thing. Zoe's being our cute photographer soon and taking couple photos like the ones people post on tumblr, and he's even more excited than I am, it's actually that adorabubble. his family and friends are so beautiful, they're actually the loveliest people. I love how proud of me he is, and how affectionate he is to me all the time, it couldn't be more amazing. he's also got the best taste in music, holy guys, we're more than likely going to Soundwave together. I love it when we lay down and watch movies together, or just talk, or just lay there and cuddle, words cannot explain. it's so cute how he always gets really excited whenever he gets to see me, and it's so fun when we chill in a group too, aw. he's so funny, and not just stupid funny like most of Bendigo, he's probably got the best sense of humour ever. it's great how supportive he is and how he always comes to watch me play sport, even if he doesn't 100% understand the game. some of our discussions are things I would never talk to anyone else about, he's just, aw, we can talk about anything. he's so stunning, like his smile is just indescribable and his eyes are the most gorgeous, vibrant colour and they glitter, and his hair always sits perfectly, and I love how he's taller than me, and everything about him is just, wow. I can honestly never get bored of him, he's always so interesting and infatuating, and it's really cute how he puts me before everything and spoils me and aw. I love Ethan so much, but I'll stop here, cos he's mine, not yours. <3
Depends if I actually care about them or how petty their problem is
Dunno, I'm usually pretty open with people, whether it be positive or negative :~)
Probably the fact that Ethan's not here at this very second cuddling me..
Individuality, I don't like to be a conformist fu.ckwit...
I probably would've talked to Ethan sooner..
'Im fine'...
skinnier and better at sport.
Thankyou :)
Aw, you're actually so lovely. You're really good at footy, but you'd be better if you played for Huntly ;) it was pretty gay when we were fighting for no apparent reason, but we cool now. You're actually a great friends and our ***** sesh's are wonderful, we should catch up soon tho :**
We broke up before she knew about it. If you want factual information, don't ask Liberty, you'll get a cute fairytale tho. :~)
Actually, Cameron and I were split up for a lot longer than 'a few days' before I began a relationship with Ethan. You actually have no idea what's happened at all, do you?
How? :~)
Hush child, you callec Peters sister ;)
Dig back to where you came from ;)
Being friends with certain people.
Haha, who's this?
Banana hair.
You're so great, aw, thankyou so much :)
Aw aw, thankyou so much Matt, you're so wonderful, aw, thankyou so much :3
Considering I barely ever show any skin when I dress outside of school/sport, your point doesn't exactly make sense. And if this is who I think it is, you're the individual that made the comment 'I like to dress like a slu* for attention', your point is really invalid.
If you asked the prior question, you were attempting to be a smart a*s first. I simply pointed out that you were doing a bad job of it.
Because obviously if I value their opinion I'm not going to be nasty and rude whereas if I didn't value their opinion I'd probably be a lot less nice about it, and if they deserved it, I might even make them feel really bad about it. Congratulations, you just learned how to draw conclusions, well done on your completion of year two.
Depends whether I value their opinion.
Why wouldn't they...
Honestly, anyone that has a problem with me or I have a problem with them, inbox me and I'll at least tell you why I hate you or why I'm a **** or whatever. :3
Some of the people I've been friends with, ugh.
Yes, my wonderful Cameron, ehehe :3
Depends on the person I guess, some individuals are better with people than others obviously?
r u ok?
Aw, thankyou :***
A better question would be who do I have respect left for...
Clarify who you're talking about and how it's be my fault? Honestly, I'm the bigger person in situations and ignore the individual to avoid conflict, anything I do is generally in retaliation. And in all honesty, if I retaliate and someone's too precious to take back what they've given, it's their own stupid fault, and possibly they weren't prepared to remove the bubble wrap and leave the couch where they'd clearly been sitting being told how special they are since birth. Really, if they're overweight, that would suggest poor diet and lack of exercise, both of which activities release chemicals in their brain that positively influence their emotional state. One is not granted with happiness, it must be earnt through doing something that would reward them with self respect. And in saying that, I don't mean a participation award, which is an insult really, it's pretty much saying 'yeah, you were in the right place at the right time, here, have a medal'. By saying everyone's special, it's pretty much saying no ones special. You could also blame society. I mean, how many people say how 'inspirational' Amanda Todd is? Well, no, she's not. I thought being 'inspirational' was achieving something or overcoming obsticals rather than just moping around looking for sympathy. Why not find inspiration in someone a bit more special, like Marilyn Manson, Anton LaVey, Tristan Barker, Fredrich Nietzsche, or on general, someone that makes a positive influence on the world. And maybe they should consider counselling if they're that mentally damaged. And to whomever asked this question, I'm not sure if you were a failed abortion, or choked at birth or maybe even starved or beaten as a child, but whatever caused your sevre underlying mental disability, I wish it had worked a little better.
Why would I say it now? :~)
Aw, you're such a nice kid, I miss when we were close. I loved having d'n'ms with you and spending the day together and stuff. You used to be one of my best friends, but then we stopped talking. I'd love to be close again, but it seems like you don't like me overly much. And you rejected my hug the other day.. :(
Can't really just name three, so Ill do a few more but: Cameron Shaniqua Tyler Zoe Blake Jack N Cody Matty Rogers Leticia Shana Liberty Ugh, there's heaps, I can't think though :(
I dunno, she cracked it ;o
Um, no, I'm a virgin, who'd you hear that from? :$
Aw, yay :~)
Of course. xx
Thankyou random cute anon :3
Aw, I know, I'm so lucky :**
Pretty sure anyone would...
I'm not telling to whe he lives :***
Why? ;o
Visiting Cameron :3
I can't but I'm in Kflat and Golden Square tomorrow :3
I was at Crusoe :~)
Aw, thankyou :3
Who's this? :3
Aw, who's said this? :3
he hurt my knee :(
Aw aw, thankyou :3x
Aw, thankyou :**
This person already knows who they are, as they're the only person imbasilic enough to find jokes about a corset funny. :~)