Wen dd u guys start dating?
da tym we first met!
Do u knw that i love you?
Wat i kno z dat ma man loves me!
are you in love wt some1 panopa,b honest!
yeah! Honestly am in luv!
who z Taonga Mwakhwawa?ur brother?
more than a brother!
Yes pliz. Tel me the name of da lucky guy, coz i thot u were w8ng fo me.
waitng 4 u? Dd i eva tel u kuti i was waitng 4 u?
Yes I wanna know.
ok go bck 2 ur previous question i wrote da name!
Hmm! And who is the lucky guy?
u rily want 2 kno?
How old are u?
ask on ma birthday, i wil tel u!
Kodi simunapeze omuna? Chonde pezani mwina amuna aanthu apumeko.
hehehe! Am in a relationshp nw!
of all the boyfrynds u have had, who was the best?
hav had one, and was da best!
ask my bestfrynd elkar, she started it!
u stl datin ujeni eti?
kumatchula dzina!
kuti ujeni!
hey pal, y cnt u jst shut up, t seemz lyk u aint got a thng 2 ask mi!
just heard kuti......!
kuti chani!?
Comeon gre i thoght u lyk me bt i cn c tht u dnt..kundikana pagulu zoona?
who are u?
I mean joe mchenula.
oh u mean him! He is a frynd! Nthng much, nthng less!
Z ther anythn btwn u n Joe
i hav many male friends wit this name! Whch one exactly?
baby gal u gon cry! Huh! Are u gonna cry?
hahahaha! Dont remind me! Ndakudziwa!
unasiyiranji kundikonda
ndinayamba ndakuuzako kuti ndimakukonda?
How r u feeling right now?
nt gud @ all!
Kodi iwe hav u eva done it?
done wat? Eatng nsima? Goin 2 da toilet? Wat exactly anonymous?
iwe watikwana ndi usingle wako, ugwidwa liti?
z it a crime 2 b single!? Am hapi da way i am!
Tayankha iwe.ndikufuna tipange mwana.
Mahope ako amayamba wit 'M'?
yeah and ends wit 'y' kidddng!
Iwe umapanga liti period?
oh pilizi!
Owkay wabwera koma mesa ati ukudwala nzoonz?
anonymous iwe, usandiyalutse wanva, matenda akewa eee ndikayakaya
Wher would you want us to go for lunch tha day we going lunch
A u nnot coming 4 discussions?
am coming
do u lyk me?
y shud i hate u anywy?
Wat du u mis mst about mi?
i just miss u!
where do u stay?
am @ xul, i usd 2 stay mostly @ home!
r u nw lukng 4 mr right?
describe ur past love life!
ma past luv lyf was perfecta!
If u ex asked u again,wud u tek him back?
oh pilizi! Dont mek mi ans dis question!
who many ex's do u have
one EX!
Who is ur hot mahope nw?
u really wanna know?
'Nwy, 4gt t...
Hve u finishd ma procedure?
hey u, osamangogona bwanji. yeah am done bt nt printed.
Do u realy love him?
him meaning who?
Describe yourself in 3 words?
ever smiling gal
Who are you dating currently