Would you root James Hawkey?
cant say I really know him so no sorry (:
Man I want to roof you like f***, we use to have a thing but yeah ..
roof me ? hahaha whos this (:
oi you pathetic ****s giving georgia shi*, get a life eh!
so what if shes done shi*, jealous?
f*** off ****s!
ily gee xxxxxxx
thanks xx , who is this fb me xx
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Mcg4a6AgV4c (;
mean song eh g
Hey anon, next time you talk about her, come get me yeah?? Id love to hear what bullshi* you talk about. Obviously you have nothing better to talk about if you have to talk about georgias life.
ily nicole xx
Your a*s hole got stretch marks ???
na g
Hahah these are really funny to read <3
im sorry for being so mean and Bit**y to you , you are actually so nice and really cool to hang with so im glad i got to know you !
ha thanks ?(: whos this ?
you have a mean rack titty f*** ?
hahaha if only
your sis is obviously a bit out of it because its all people are talking about ..
say that to her face then...
Um, so i go to Girls'... Obviously.. And i havent heard anything about you?? Cause we all know what happens when people Bit** about my sister (; Love you girl, ignore these f*** heads xo Nicole_Jessica
thanks hunni love you xxx
yeah she has jake and kaleb aye ??
your onto it
i though abigail was
duno if she feels the same eh ? #foreveralone
wish you didnt have ya boy :( so jelly ?
lol and lol ?
we seen you hook up with shaun at cades party too (;
mean g
best friends ?
got none ;(
you did have an*** with zane you took his v plates because everyone knows? he told everyone and he is not lying so you should stop lying you look like a dumb Bit**
lol m8 i never said i didnt
People didn't hear wrong because Zane is skiting about it to everyone?
well he is lying because i seriously didnt !
georgia didnt give zane a rimmy so leave her alone love us xx
thanks , whos us tho ? pm me (:
you heard very wrong there.
wasnt ment to post it on herz sori
okayy ? confused.
who ever is giving george hate can f*** right off , you such a low life and you just shi* stirring , and saying shi* that arnt ture so f*** off , love you gg x
i swea i just seen this post on that emma chicks wall ??!
its gone around tghs that you got analed by zane then f***ed an import.. got a real good name going around for yourself in timaru love haha slu*..
clearly your from girls then , funny how people believe everything you hear eh ??????? f***ed an import ? uhm who? LOL never touched a import hunny. Good to know your so quick to judge..... love anons xx
Ive seen you at volleyball and I reakon you seem so lovely, bit shi* about what I hear about you though get some respect for yourself
i have respect for myslef thanks for the input tho. do you believe everything you hear? ?
you arnt as pretty as everyone makes you out to be
cool beans , having fun sending me hate ? the last 4 or so questions are from you too !
Thoughts on Cameron Mccully ?
dont really knoq him eh , seems nice (:
tumblr ?
your fat
i know but foods such too good !
thoughts on hannah te puke ?
dont really know her either , she seems like a cool chick and seems really pretty , herd she can be a bit of a Bit** to others but idk if thats true just what i herd , seem like a all round gb
thoughts on Blake McDonald ?
dont know him reall well but he seems like a top bloke , hes pretty unique when it comes to some things. Herd hes a pretty loose ****.Real funny and not bad looking (:
Thoughts on josh parnham ?? :)
know him for ages , family friend. Dont really talk to him much (:
where you today ?
i actual love how your so straight up about shi* !!! x
aahhahahahahahaha thanks ? (:
Haters can hate ! Your perfect, Your amazing Love you so much girl xx
awhh thanks , whos this ? mail me x
One thing that the world does not know about you?
something that they still wont know about me (;
You tell people you didn't sleep with Brandon and they still ask you if you did? God some people are sad. Your amazing and I love you!
thanks hahaha , yeah some people clearly cant read (:
cades party eh?
ha yeee m8
Something you wish to have but cant afford?
a flash as* car
best root ?
what part of virgain dnt you get ?
best friends ?
food , my t.v and my bed (:
hows life ? pulln dem boys ?
you know it (;
fave mack guy?
too many top blokes for mack eh
best root from ymo ?? (;
cant say ive been for a spin on any ymo eh
hottest tbhs year 11 ?
uhm theres a few (:
Worst Mistake You ' ve ever Made ?
no idea ...?
Have you ever been friendzoned?
not really as usually felt same way as in just wanting to be friends (:
best guy friends?
jake levi tim zaine charlie
you and abi have the coolest friendship ive ever seen wish i had a bestie like yous !
nwah chea shes my ***** i love her
hottest friend u have ?
my cat xx
your profile picture is stunning Miss Taylor ! (:
nwah thanks ANONA (;
some thing u reget ?
believing a number of guys
would u fart on ur teachers face ?
what kind of question is this ?
if u could change on thing about abi wt would it be ?straight up?!
shessss to tight
are you and jake d related ?
nope but ive knowen him for like ever tho so his just like my brother (:
hottest bod u know about?
levi xxx
best relationship ?
with a guy or just friend ?
One quality that you wish one of your friends could change about themselves?
to be trustworthy !
your pro at basketball xx
no im really not !
hes such a sad **** , hitting a chick !
i no !
can i kill matt for you ?
hows you eye ?
still sore but better (:
Top year 12s at mack
uhm tim , biddy , bay , char , zaine idk (:
Guess ;)
dont know eh.....
God reffing at bball se*y ;) x
ahhahahahaahahhahahaha shot m8 hu dis ? (:
Shane g ?
Y didnt ya get ya rack out at bball ?
Coz g
does shane like u ?
ask him g
you here you lil ****s sending hate to george f*** right off or i will happily come smack your face in thanks.
hehe <3
You have cool style haja not
to poor g
Abigails the prettiest in fairlie
life's not a competition mate
hows abigail going for you ?
great m8 just great !
every hates abigail in fairlie eh ?
who said ? idk eh
Favorite CDs girls
uhm jb ? na actual no idea (:
people you miss ?
everyone i dont have know
things you miss ?
seeing dad , spending time with the whole family , being young , having long hair , being skinnier , kindy wooooh - idk what else
Prettiest girl from your hometown then? you? haha
not me , uhm fairlie has some babes but prettiest would probs have to be bridie or emmz for olders and bridget or abigail for round my age (:
Prettiest girl you know?
uhm narrow it down? too many stunners to chose from !
Do you regret anything?
yeah i do , but i believe not to live life in regrets and take it as a lesson well learnt (:
Who do you look up to that's not a family member?
uhm wow good question , i really dont know - i cant name anyone of the top of my head sorry !!! ill think about this ask my again in a day or two (:
Do you think you are a nice person?
uhm i think i can be at times but can be a Bit** at times too
haha justin wants his ins
Sleezly justin.
would you go out wif Alick thompson cause he wants a root from u
hey iv meet you twice u prob are the cutiest hottest chick I have meet with mean body :) xxx
who this ? pm me (:
would u date justin .a ?
best guy friends ?
a few niggas
thoughts on max f-b ?
duno him .
dont listen to the bull shot about brandon , i know she didnt coz i was with her that weekend so f*** off you lying ****s.
thanks girl x
Mush said he put you on the spit with caleb
good to know , whens this happs beb.
your f***ing fat
i knoooooooooooooooooow , chocolates yum.
go cut
that would hurt dont be silly !