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48 Replies

Which movie s*cked for you this year ?

i haven't really seen too many terrible movies tbh

h.gilmore replied 3313 days ago

How do you deal with someone with bad breath?

walk away

h.gilmore replied 3313 days ago

Favourite age you've been so far and why ?

idk when i was a baby. because i could just cry and i'd get given food and i didn't have to get up to use the toilet

h.gilmore replied 3400 days ago

Who told you they loved you last


h.gilmore replied 3402 days ago

What do you think is the most useless class in high school?


h.gilmore replied 3416 days ago

What is the one thing that should be taught in school that isn’t already?

bulling and rape is wrong

h.gilmore replied 3428 days ago

What does your perfect day look like?

when it's pouring down rain in winter

h.gilmore replied 3432 days ago

What are you allergic to?


h.gilmore replied 3440 days ago

Your Dream Job?

either being in the army or police force

h.gilmore replied 3526 days ago

Thoughts? dylanhig

omg really? okay so you're funny and nice but can be rude at times and yeah (:

h.gilmore replied 3565 days ago

Hannah your 100% right no one derseves to die always help homeless people no metter what there humans as well

thank you, anonymous

h.gilmore replied 3568 days ago

Thoughts Oscarwillding

well, you're nice and funny and we were kinda friends in primary school and yeah (:

h.gilmore replied 3568 days ago

Would you give a homeless person CPR if they were dying? Why or Why not?

yes, because they're human and there's nothing wrong with them

h.gilmore replied 3568 days ago

Hottest boy in ateam
Boy you wanna hurt the most in ateam
Most cheeky boy in ateam

no hot guys in our ateam lol, probs jake g?? and jordan c.

h.gilmore replied 3582 days ago

What have you lied about lately ?

my previous question...

h.gilmore replied 3582 days ago