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hayleigh furness


Ask me s h i t or d i e

315 Replies

If you lost everything tomorrow, whose arms would you run into to make everything ok ?

rj or jay

h_dawg replied 3394 days ago 1

If you were to die and come back as a person or thing, what do you think it would be?


h_dawg replied 3394 days ago 1

What is your motto?

"yolo" - inspired by mitchell leigh

h_dawg replied 3399 days ago

why are people upset with you

fcked if id know

h_dawg replied 3399 days ago

Good nobody likes you


h_dawg replied 3401 days ago

when u leaving sale college mole

next term horse

h_dawg replied 3401 days ago



h_dawg replied 3401 days ago

Love you


h_dawg replied 3401 days ago

Spit or swallow

either for you mel ;)

h_dawg replied 3401 days ago

What is your current state of mind?


h_dawg replied 3403 days ago

Just letting you know that you have a fu.cked face :)

thanks xo

h_dawg replied 3403 days ago

I have to say the people that are hating on you must be really stupid hah quote "you're smell really bad " wtf is you are smell really bad the hate on your sht makes me laugh just saying train.mayne

yeah same ha

h_dawg replied 3404 days ago

What age did you loose your virginity?


h_dawg replied 3404 days ago 2

You're having $ex at the age of 14 with guys so much older than you. You have no morals, you're a s.lut. Seriously you need to pull the f.uck up nd look at yourself. Gross as

i have to pull the fck up? um excuse me, im pretty sure cyber bullying is illegal, yes? and here you are ANONYMOUSLY CYBER BULLYING me, youre life must be pretty sad & low for you to be able to sit behind a screen & say this stuff to me, youre pathetic.

h_dawg replied 3404 days ago

Isn't it funny how they give you $hit for having $ex, smoking and drinking well I'm pretty sure that most teenagers do that these days and it's not called being mature it's called exploring your teens and having fun!

it actually amuses me, because theyre calling me immature yet theyre the ones sitting behind a screen bullying me anonymously so the jokes on them really hahah!

h_dawg replied 3405 days ago 1