Visit this profile later to see if your question was answered.
God good, I have sooooo many mate. Boy or girl?
Ohh wow! You are so freaking nice :D whoever you are, thank you so so much <3
Ahhh ma boys! favourite year 9's :) boy suuuuuper cute and awesome people. Loving being around them. Soooo nice too :)
Aww no don't be!! And noooo I'm not <3
Not really no :) not anymore..
If it clashes with dancing then probably not, but not sure
Sarah lucic!
Likeee Nicole Drummond and all her group :)
Probably dancing :)
Daaaaaana brown, ashley belk, Lucy everett, and a few other. Oh and Dana brown <3
Ahhh, thank you??? :b
Aw na you are man!
Hello! I'm alright thanks, and you? :)
Ohhhhh my god, I love timzy soooooo much. She's actual like the coolest person ever <3
AHH I love izzy!! She's such a smart wee thing and so so cute. I love being around her, and she's always so happy
Sh3's a gym junkiiiii3. Na she's awesome, funny girl and always fun to be around :) love her heaps
Ahh ma girls :D
It's good!! To a certain limit though haha. When they become like over obsessed, it's bad :b
Probably quade, can't say I know to many other ones :)
It was alright thanks, how was yours? :) x
Aww!! Thank you so so much!x
Hahaha, how do you know her?!
She's a babe! So lovely as well :)
Not anymore... No
ahhhhhh no idea! i have so many mate
Do I? Ohh. Dunno.
Aw na you are x0x0x0x0
How would I do that when it could litterally be anyone..
Awww you are sooo cute! Thank you shauna <3
Ohhhhh haha, well thank you whoever you are!xoxoxo
Then tell me who you are!
Aww I love you! But what do you mean even more, now? What'd I do? :b xoxoxo
Your scaring me
Yes. Cos I'm a hard smoker gee. Haha noooooooo, never have
Ahh, tell me who you are? Hahah ;b
Been asked this a lot but I honestly can't even think of yr11s at boys, I know more from nayland
Ahhh yeah! I'm sure there is but I can't really think of any off the top of my head sorry
Aw your are too kind! But nooo, I dont believe you <3
Oh what? Noooooo way man, never
Hahaha. Are you the same person asking all the other questions or is this one just random? :b
Ahhh Lukas, he always manages to make me laugh.
Ohhh na soooooo many people haha
Ohhhh, I wouldn't know :b I like lots of people in that clas* though
YES haha
Such a cool clas* haha, they all seem real close
Aw don't be shy man! :)
Aw thank you mate! I shall do :)
If this wasn't so open and I knew who you were, maybe I'd give it to ya hahaha
Work hard, always be a nice person, and never say no to great opportunities. Haha I don't know, cheeeeeesy as but that's all I could think of off the top of my head. There's more, but those ones are just general ones I guess
Hahaha shut up man. I dnt evn sleep g33
Mmm, my sister :)
Oh man, well I guess there's no one I hate. But there's people who annoy me, not me personally but like there's people who just bug me occas*ionally haha
Mmm. Very very hard question to answer!! There's many people who mean heaps to me haha
Hahaha, tell me who you are! Ahhh!!
What do you mean?
Nayland primary
Oh my god, I love Bonita! She's like the easiest person to get along with :) I always have real good convocations with her about complete bullshi*. I'm glad we're becoming closer friends. She's a star! <3
Mmm, who could this be...
Noooo, I'm sure I've got haters somewhere haha :)
I want to know who you are!
Hahahaha, I love you em!
Ohhhh nooo way, you've gotta be kidding? I'm not perfect! Far far far from it, but gosh you are so lovely <3
Noooooooooo they don't!
Yeah there's heaps of people! Mostly people who are older than me, like year 11s and 12s
Aw I bet that's a lie! I'm definitely not perfect, trust me <3
Ahh! I'm curious!!!!
Aw good! I'm glad! :D
Noooooo way
I thought it was the same person! :o
Aww, don't be <3
I don't know, depends who the person was. Tell me who are you man! :b
Everything! Before I die I don't want to have anything to say "I wish I did that" too
Aww tell me tell me tell me who you are! <3
Sure! If you tell me who you are ;)
Awww!! You are far to kind man. Don't be silly! Tell me who you are, I'm curious too know <3
Poodle! Well for a start, I looooove her nickname. Super cute. Poodles awesome, very bubbly and confident! I like how shes a touchie now yay :D
Huh? Whaaaaaaat!
Thank you! :D people never usually like the songs a listen to haha
I love you for putting in the effort to expand every word with extra letters :D
Sorry? Huh?
Hahahaha, who are you man!
Probably your heart by fozzey and vanc, but I'm liking some major laser songs at the moment. Oh and of course a but of Ed :)
Aw noooooo, that's silly!
Extemely hard question to answer :b
Okay okay, I shall text ya :D xxxxx
Ohhhhhh, that's silly! I'm definitely noooooot perfect <3
Hahaha, I know I know :/ I get to suspicious of who it could be, and then I get eager to find out :b
Wowowow, can't even begin to answer that!