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Hahaha ok... Darling, the jumpers are done and dusted. The majority of the year level agreed with the ideas "we never liked". If you don't like the jumpers, dont buy one xx
A Nokia
B for Queen Bey
Hmm idk
hmmm idk there's so many ;)
Not gonna name names
I don't believe in god...
*below The year nines..... A few of them I'm friends with and I don't really know many others, but they're a slightly mad bunch of kids :)
I'm really happy for them and that they could make it work this time around, but the pda gets a bit icky after a little while, but its not my relationship and I'm super glad that they're happy! :)
Aww babe :* Love you! You're perfect too Xxx You gonna make me cry :'(
I don't really speak to some of the girls in my home group a great deal, but they're nice, as the ones that I talk to ALL THE TIME are beautiful and wouldn't trade them for the world :* You're really cute Tamzin ;) all of that really nice stuff, straight back at ya!
Amazing girls, love 'em to pieces, like every friendship, we have our rough patches, but wouldn't trade our friendships for the world (sometimes
Haha thanks hayley xoxo I wasn't "kiddign" when I said you were the most attractive guy ;)
Sorry, what?
Funniest guy would be (in my opinion) Sam and funniest girl probably Hayley :)
Most attractive girl - probably Gaya Most attractive boy - I'm gonna say Hayley ;) or Callum
AHAHAHAHA Gracie <3 you
Well I don't know... :)
It depends on who you and the other person is :)
In taylah, well I was never really friends with her, James, yeah there was this sorta personality clash, Emily we were actually quite close, Shani I was also pretty close to, Scott we had a few conversations and used to get along and Chloe we were close for a little while. And you, well if I knew who you were then I would be able to tell you :)
Aw thanks love :) I'm pretty sure I'd be glad to be related to you to
Maybe I don't know. Probably :)
#beautiful by Mariah Carey and Miguel
Someone I used to talk to, well that seems to be nearly everyone at the moment. And someone I miss, would have to be Amie Jans who I went to primary school with
Don't really know her, but she seems to always have a smile on her face :)
A couple ... Um
I'd have to say Shannon B Eilish and Alex G To be honest I haven't really seen anyone else play :)
Uh no
Luke Eilish and Shannon. Soz Erin :)
Pretty fab
She's a pretty fab chick ;)
Is this a trick question ?
Um it's in the lounge room. But I dream about it...
Hellz yeah
What do you want me to say ? Dean...
C'mon al
I'm just as crazy as you are :)