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Hannah Lodge


Inquire what you will x

863 Replies

NO guy is good enough for you, you're the most beautiful, kind, amazing, intelligent, funny girl I've ever met.

Not going to lie, this made my night :)

hannahlodge replied 4325 days ago

haters can smd you're amazing xxx

:) thank you x

hannahlodge replied 4325 days ago

he likes the other girl so get over it babe I'm so sorry x ps message me x

I can't message you if you're anon, hahaha.

hannahlodge replied 4325 days ago

H/o mikayla from school?

She's so lovely, always smiley and chatty, she's a great chick :)

hannahlodge replied 4325 days ago

he's a player, he doesn't want you

who is?

hannahlodge replied 4325 days ago

do you miss you ex

Yeah, sometimes..

hannahlodge replied 4325 days ago

you can do so much better is about not wasting time on someone that isn't treating you right. i've seen him "in action" with the blonde chick, he thinks he's pretty skux

In action? I think you're getting your people confused. I don't get treated badly by anyone in my life currently, so I'm not wasting my time with anything.

hannahlodge replied 4325 days ago

one day, someone will see you for the amazing beauty you are and they'll never let go :) I see it, most people do but it'll be someone special x

cute, who knows right :)

hannahlodge replied 4325 days ago

I do you know who you like cos he told me, he's pretty proud of the fact that you and another chick think he's hot. You have defended him before but you could do so much better :)

Oh, that's odd. All this 'you can do so much better' talk is invalid, js.

hannahlodge replied 4325 days ago

are you sad

No, I'm that happiest I've been in a long time!

hannahlodge replied 4325 days ago

the guy i like doesnt like me back what do i do :(

There isn't much you can do except realize that if he doesn't like you back then obviously there is someone better out there for you, don't get hung up on little things like that cause life is short :)

hannahlodge replied 4325 days ago

you honestly have the best advice ever x

Aw thank you :)

hannahlodge replied 4325 days ago

when people say ur too young do you feel lyk u aren't good enough cause i feel like thta :(

Yes I know what you mean, I feel like that sometimes too, but you gotta know that age doesn't matter, you ARE good enough. Keep your head up, focus on more important things :)

hannahlodge replied 4325 days ago

Lots of questions about you being single or having a thing eh? What's with that? You are better off single, then you avoid the liars - bit like the guy you like...

I don't know what you're talking about? People just try fishing for whatever they can, in reality no one cares. Like how most people think they know who I like when really they don't. It's nothing.

hannahlodge replied 4325 days ago

do you have a thing with anyone? be honest

No, I do not have a thing with anyone.

hannahlodge replied 4325 days ago