2.2k Replies

ill drop u on the spot


hannahphaam replied 3202 days ago

ur fat

where ur 6 pak tho :)

hannahphaam replied 3202 days ago

Go fck yourself LMFAO daveyluongzy

Ur so annoying go away

hannahphaam replied 3212 days ago

can i have thoughts ?!?! daveyluongzy

I hate u

hannahphaam replied 3212 days ago 1

Can you muz??

better than you alex vuong LOL

hannahphaam replied 3364 days ago 1

thoughts on ericle

LB YEAR 9 jkz nah youre really easy to talk to and i never really see you anymore!! HAHA IDK take care see you around

hannahphaam replied 3382 days ago

long thoughts for selena heng?

WHATSUP SELENA im really glad we're close again and thnk me for taking ur shift on monday JUST SO U CAN WATCH THE FOOTY???? NOPP BUT YEAH have fun with that girly i cant even do drive thru but yeah you're really bubbly and i like working with you and ur so trendy selena with ur lil phrases "chill yeah" :)) youre so easy to get along with!! We're FINALLY talking again after not talking since yr 6 BUT YEAH SEE YOU SOON TAKE CARE LOV YOU XOXOXOXO

hannahphaam replied 3382 days ago

I always miss you Hannah!

oh cute

hannahphaam replied 3388 days ago

Heyy beautifull!!!

hey dude

hannahphaam replied 3388 days ago

thoughts on bru

hey man so you used to bully me a lot pushin me here and there but now ur really nice to me and yeah you licked lucy yday!!!?????? Thnx for being a good pal ur really funny

hannahphaam replied 3388 days ago

who do you miss


hannahphaam replied 3388 days ago

hello thoughts on me :))))) vanessalim_

wassup man long time no see and talk?? miss your lil moments heaps and how u always help me and shania out with hw HAHA we actually survived a term without you and avey so ye woo go us!!! tbh we werent surprised when you made it to jmss smartie but i hope ur having fun at jmss which seems like u are with all ur sc's!! HAHA UM WE USED TO BE QUITE TIGHT but since you moved we hardly talk now but i guess we both expected that to happen yes?? i rmbr when u told me u didnt even like science but here you are today???????? ok man i really ceebs but just know i miss ya heaps and i enjoy our lil catch up convos every now and then!! hope ur enjoying urself xoxoxoxo

hannahphaam replied 3388 days ago 1

yeah but why

Idk man but bless u mr blakey for letting us miss out on period 5&6

hannahphaam replied 3397 days ago

what happened at wello today


hannahphaam replied 3397 days ago 1

Hannah, i have been wanting to say this in a while but i never got the chance to: 'Your really beautiful Hannah!'

aw cutie

hannahphaam replied 3399 days ago