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Ask me anything you like anonymously

37 Replies

You have unlimited money. What's the first thing you do?

Wipe my A$$ with money after taking a dump.

happincss replied 3049 days ago

Do Yo still like Venus?

These aren't questions about my gold fish that died when I was only 12.

happincss replied 3051 days ago

Who is your best friend?


happincss replied 3051 days ago

What's ya ig ?

I'll DM it to you ?

happincss replied 3051 days ago

are you really leaving fl im so :( even tho we don't really talk i want you to know that you're an amazing person and i hope you find happiness in whatever you do and where ever you are

dUDE WHAT THE fck THANK YOU youre SO sweet what the hell thank you I wish you the same!!

happincss replied 3052 days ago

What have you never truly gotten over?

Robin and Barney not ending up together and for her to go back to Ted, what kind of fcking bullsht is that? My boy Barney deserved better, he TRULY loved her.

happincss replied 3082 days ago

Post a rl ?

Uh, how rude. Ask me for a nude first. Smh, no manners.

happincss replied 3086 days ago

Why are you not a millionaire?

wow jUst keep rubbing salt in my wounds

happincss replied 3087 days ago

you are a girl in rl right?

oui oui

happincss replied 3087 days ago

lol just wanna say you're soooo precious i love your sense of humour i really appreciate your existence and no this ain't venus

thanks boo that ain't Venus

happincss replied 3087 days ago

You don't deserve venus

I know, I truly don't deserve someone as wonderful, understanding, gorgeous, sweet and lovely as her. She's has a heart of gold and never thinks bad of anyone, gives everyone a chance and has so fcking much patience with everyone. God, I've never met anyone as kind as her, seriously. I don't know how she does it. People often mistaken her kindness for weakness but it's truly her strength. No matter how many people do her wrong, she will be kind to everyone. And someone as fcked up like me might not deserve her but guess what, she's mine. ? And I'll make damn sure she's happy.

happincss replied 3109 days ago 1 1

Why are you ignoring the person you're ignoring right now?

Because Julia is ugly .

happincss replied 3122 days ago

how come your always flirting with girls?? Aren't you taken? A$$

show me where I did and then we'll talk ?

happincss replied 3124 days ago

Wats ur Instagram?

I'll DM it to you :)

happincss replied 3125 days ago

your a bad person

If by bad you mean bad A$$ then yes

happincss replied 3125 days ago 1