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Idk got a lot I think
Good thx mate how bout you?
Really nice pretty and caring and I can't wait to be in her class next year
Amazeballs is all I can say but amazeballs includes everything but rude stuff
Snowy no offence to the rest of yous
Amazing pretty funny nice one of the nicest and bestest people I no
Some better than others but not telling who
My bestie is amazeballs I love her so much she is amazing pretty nice sweet and great to be around. She is like the bestest person
All I can say is amazeballs and a great friend
Kiera Tom Michael Mia Eliza and so many more
Tom or Michael but not as in like just fav
One of my fav people ever she is nice funny and great to be around
Tom Michael Gus Jacob huddy
He is crazy weird funny and stupid but I still love him as a friend
Who is this and yeah she is my best friend ever
Melissa Alyssia Phoebe Maiya
You no everybody can see this so I am not going to answer Sorry
You aren't supposed to ask or no and also is this Tori Gleeson
Who is this and nobody I am jealous of no one but famous people
Who is this and no
She is a freak but funny and weird and nice in a mean wayv
Yeah Emika!!!!!
Amy is crazy Annie is gorgeous Emika is Tall Bella is fantastic
Amy Annie Emika Bella
That is private info that only I no
Kiera Eliza Mia Tom Michael Jacob Melissa Alyssia Maiya and Phoebe in no order