hey i dont know you, but i hope you feel better soon
thank you darling
sht gets better i promise you
thank you
your avi makes me melt ):
whyyythank you hahahaa
You're so beautiful, incredible and deserve all good in your life. Don't let anyone bring you down, darling. You're worth so much more.
thank you so much i love you
we just started talking but honestly I really enjoy your company and you make my husband happy too which is so amazing of you. sweetie pie
i dont know who this is but thank you so much im glad i make you guys happy
you are amazing and nice and sometimes generous when u want to be lol jk –miles
i love u :(
you're ****ty and annoying
who are u interested in
who cares lmao they love someone else
are u interested in someone?
not yet
you're better faking a guy but your girl fake is hot
you are hot
well thank you darling
Fav underwear?
boxers? idk i dont really care about underwear
What did one dinner plate say to the other? Dinner's on me
jesus christ agsjahdjha
im accidentally catching feelings for u oops
oh sht who's this?
Why did the mushroom go to the party? Because he was a FUNGI
Oh god
What are you obsessed with right now?