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Tam Tran


ask cool thanks xoxoxoxo

202 Replies



himynameistam replied 4235 days ago

Hey chat me up havnt talked to you in ages!! <e

Hi, sure! who this is would help:P <3

himynameistam replied 4235 days ago

Want a se* slave

ahh think im good ae

himynameistam replied 4246 days ago

Do YoU bElIeVe In lOvE aT fIrSt sIgHt, Or sHoUlD I wAlK bY aGaIn?
GoOd NiTe M8
WaNna WaKe NeXt To YoU xxxxx ex oh

nggaw walk by again, good night...
message me on facebook now omg xxxx

himynameistam replied 4246 days ago

YeAh LaTeR GoTtA gO dO cHoReS xxx CyA bAbE

no i bet you you wont. message me now pleease xxx

himynameistam replied 4246 days ago

We HaVe TaLkEd A lItTlE bUt NoT mUcH

weeeelll We ShOuld TaLk MoRe, mEsSaGe me on facey!

himynameistam replied 4246 days ago

No NoT MuCh

Ohh have we talked these past few days? or ever?

himynameistam replied 4246 days ago

I gO tO nElSoN cOlLeGe (BoYs)

so u went to BIS and now go to Nelson college, are we close?

himynameistam replied 4246 days ago

ImMa GaN$tA r U a MaGnEt CoZ iM aTtRaCtEd tO yOu.

ahahaa tell me who this is omg

himynameistam replied 4246 days ago

I wEnT tO B.I.S

HoNeStlY doesnt help hahaa another clue?

himynameistam replied 4246 days ago

UmM dOn'T tHiNk YoU wIlL lIkE mE aNyWaY

i will, i love you already

himynameistam replied 4246 days ago

AlL 4 yOu BaBe XoX

uh okay, who is this?xox

himynameistam replied 4246 days ago

AnD ThEn ThEy BuRrIeD hIm At ThE BeAcH


himynameistam replied 4246 days ago

DoBbY wAs OnLy TrYiNg To HeLP


himynameistam replied 4246 days ago

Ur SeCeRt AdMiRe xx


himynameistam replied 4246 days ago