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I guess I just miss the good times...
Yeah sometimes
I wish I knew who u are :) message me somehow pretty please? :)
Do I have you on bbm?
Go for what?
Depends which lessons ;) and i'l leave you to think about that ;) :P
Yeah :( Why'd you wanna know? are you a guy or a girl ? :)
I wanted to do really well in my last 2 years of high school and get really good marks and to achieve that i needed to get away from the distraction of having guys around in clas* :) I had great fun with all my friends, I still miss everyone there :(
We broke up
Just misunderstood nd judged wrong by people
Sensitive, creative, kind/caring
Normally because something has happened nd its constantly on my mind bt then there's also the fact that sometimes when I look sad I'm actually not, just dead tired nd out of it or lost in thought. I did go through a time of depression though... But that's changed now things are now better nd happier :) except the stress :(
No-one sadly