Visit this profile later to see if your question was answered.
Why dont we have both?
your mother
well im not sure how robots work exactly but im feeling the answer is no
u suk
no waves, by fidlar
Ruben and his obsession with world of warcraft
With the start of 2015
Being morgan freeman
yeah lrn is cool
bec lol
ermm i harve two joyce manor "self titled" & "never hungover again" and 'the xx' "self titled" and neil diamond lol
shake it off by taylor swift, best song 2014!!
james and zoe zagami
yeah woops
the calves
bangers tho
bangers tho
yea man, like i mean, theyre dying.
why? god pls
nice lad , good to chat with in class and whatnot
Walter white :(
If you act 12
The muffin man
Obviously '21st dead rats' by 'joyce manor'
Well oviously they are 5 of the greatest people I know, they are basically family to me. And they are just the best!
'Going outside is healthy for you'
turn anything into pizza
Dank sw@g
When I run out of pizza :( x x
Ruben always
Happens frequently
Ooh hard descision, but probably joyce manor, arctic monkeys, la dispute and tiny moving parts
Ey cri ery tiem tho
Bacon tho
No, not really. Depends on who you are
Oh dont make me choose pls they are all cool
Beccy who?
Oh yis them too. I miss gilbert <3
Well although you may not know this but I myself am now a cacti 'enthusiast' which entails that I spend a great amount of my time admiring, looking at, talking about, reblogging, photographing, showering with and eating with cacti. Cacti =life/god/jezuz/everything
Dnchi, lochi, your mother
Rbn, tire, lrn, cassie, bec
Well obvs n-dizzle and t-payne and idk cant think of anyone else in melb. Also alex g-ray
Alex turner
Well princess seems pretty popular at the moment
Bby ur the gr8test and I luvs u <3 <3
Jade ur lovely and u and tyler are just perfect
buying food
ah yis n0t to forget ol m8 peta soz
she cool
i would have to say. Tire, Lrn, Cassie, Cait, Rbn and Bec :)
i think youll find that the answer is yes my friend
cold hard ganstaa str8 from the streetz of comptin
tameeka you are so wonderful and a lovely person to be around !!
which Bailey?
i miss the people there not really nagle itself though
idk do you?
Tbh your a gr8 m8 and I havent seen you in ages, have to catch up soon man
Idek man its hard 2 ecsplaine
A good one, its not up yet m8
Country music
Me and tyler made a video it was cool
Idek man were everything
Oh cool thanks :)
Smart phone ? Wtf that?
Your mother
fek ye
Idk, loser?
fite me
April is a little cutie and shes prettu rad as well
awh thankyou, you are too
max ilz on diz 1
tyra i ****n butiful, and all these c*nts sayin **** bout drugs and *ex bettr go get f*ckn wrecked bc they hav no idea. who is da siquest? tyra is da siquest. ilyz peece out ZZZ
Are you saying I cant have hot friends?
i dont take no bullets 4 no one
you cant tell me what to do. but ok ty i will try my best