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The cutest baby in the movie
okay I assume
Wonderful, though I lost some people...I gained some, and I couldn't ask for more.
That I am an awful person.
An ugly personality
Make everyone happy, and give children food that don't have any.
He was new here, so I guess you could say I was his first friend...
becoming a youtuber
Oh, I..uh, lava you too...?
Well if it's a girl, I dunno...maybe Ellie, or Jessica? If it's a boy, maybe Joshua...or Kyle..
Never do wrong to others, be kind and true, like you would want them to do for you. ?
jerking off
Nah, I'm also in it for the people I help.
It runs through my vines. I am the ultimate f**
Hectic. People always want my attention. I don't mind it though.
New friends, and memories made with old friends. <3
No thanks, but I am always open for opinions like this :D
My depression. Though I'm happy, it's always there. The urge to want to end things will always be there. I'll never get over it.
Maybe, but it's not our place to assume
Very cute. I am glad they are both happy and well. That's all I want, is for everyone to be happy and alive.
People are more important to me than money
Can you fcking stop? This is RP and I hate the words "kill" and "yourself" in the same goddamn sentence. Leave me alone.
Her and I had just gotten back together, would you really think I'd do that to such a sweet girl? We've been talking, anyways, and just friends seems to work out better for us.
Of course. I love him no matter how many times I say I don't. He's my brother. Though, he doesn't like me, but it's okay. I really deserve it. Why are people calling him names?
Ugh, why can't everyone leave him alone, alright. He's happy now.
Very talented
Give it all away to someone in need
aw, this is so sweet. I love you too, stranger. Though I feel like I know who sent this. But I won't let people bring me down anymore ?
How deep is this hole we're talking about?
Oh, and who might 'we' be?
Spend the entire 24 hours with everyone I love in one room
Who are you...?
Who sent this??
I do not love him like that. He's my brother for god's sake
You're annoying
Because you shouldn't be ignorant, and if you don't know what it means to be Genderfluid, search it up.
Excuse me? Did you just ask if being Genderfluid meant having $ex with boys and girls? Please, if you're sitting here asking me question, do everyone a favor and ask Siri or Google, it's that simple.
In real life, I am Genderfluid, I don't go by girl or boy. But, I have the body of a female.
This is an odd question, if we are speaking of irl, I do not drive, and I live somewhere in America.
Sorry, maybe if I knew who was asking I would say...
Well I am surely a better Felix RPer than some are..
Why exactly?
My friends and family, even though that's more than one person, because they all help me through tough times. I love them all dearly.
Oh...that is sad...
Oh...that is sad...
Personally, I am shipping Marzia and Mark...though I do not know if they are a thing so don't like jump on her for it, you know?
Uh...why? And I know it's you, Felix...
Uh, no...I am not, actually...
Marzia, Felix, Marzia, and Dan. Also, Mel.
Love you too, Felix. <3
To play the guitar I guess.
Honestly, Dan.
Being alone.