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ill shiv you is you ask me ****

26 Replies

Wow i can ask myself questions and no one will ever know, i can be a real attention ***** now hungrythirsty69

Well this is ****in stupid

hungrythirsty69 replied 3484 days ago

What is attractive about you?


hungrythirsty69 replied 3484 days ago

Your biggest wish ?

To be a real potato

hungrythirsty69 replied 3489 days ago

Oh square man


hungrythirsty69 replied 3493 days ago



hungrythirsty69 replied 3493 days ago

What is your biggest fear?

Raccoons dressed as clowns riding mini quad bikes with blue balloons chanting happy things

hungrythirsty69 replied 3501 days ago

What are you addicted to?


hungrythirsty69 replied 3505 days ago

What is your bank balance ?

4 potatos

hungrythirsty69 replied 3513 days ago

You are a ****

Ok thanks wanker

hungrythirsty69 replied 3544 days ago

Game of thrones vs Vikings ?

I liek apelz

hungrythirsty69 replied 3573 days ago

What have you lied about lately ?

My family, i guess i gotta be truthful now, im columbian...

hungrythirsty69 replied 3579 days ago

Can't even spell beans right. Disappointing Nopebye

Tell me about the rabbit george

hungrythirsty69 replied 3581 days ago 1

If you had to ask God a question what would it be?

I like beens with ketchup

hungrythirsty69 replied 3581 days ago

You're just a classic person

As in im from a classical time period, cause i aint that old

hungrythirsty69 replied 3581 days ago

Hahaha oh Ethan

Is that like laughing at me or just laughing whilst trying to say my name or did i do something to make you laugh or what my good friend anon?

hungrythirsty69 replied 3583 days ago