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i am here to help


I am here to help :) [Accountancy,B.studies,Economics,Maths,Physics,Chemistry,Biology]

24 Replies

I am in 9th std
My parents are forcing me to join tutions for Maths
should I go or no??

sorry for the late reply.
As a matter of fact the first thing is you should respect your parents.
At 9th grade tution will help but at higher clas*es you'll consider tutions as a regular thing rather than additional help. I have seen people go tutions from 4th grade and their performance is commonly bad because if they dont concentrate in clas* they dont concentrate in tutions either. So, if you're bad at math and planning to dismiss it after 10th, then you should or else rather try by yourself. Any additional help, ill always try my best :)

iamheretohelp replied 4297 days ago

Hii. How the hell do you help in both commerce and science? Superhuman only you are.
Just pas*ed by to say thaaanks once again.

Ooh btw best of luck for your board results. :D Asiyeh14

Nope, one does not superpowers to help.

Thanks a lot for giving me the chance.

iamheretohelp replied 4332 days ago

Hmm Let me guess Ahraz? :P

The most sensible student in our batch (y) , well its not him though :P

iamheretohelp replied 4358 days ago

Dude confused btween Meccedemia , k.p etc What do u suggest?

Well tution teachers are better but you don\'t get coaching for entrance exams so choosing out of the two. I\'d go for Meccedemia , well I\'ve gone to none of them but many of people I know have given a good response for it.
No institution can actually be good enough to guarantee a seat in IIT or AIMS

In the end its your hardwork that actually pays off :)

iamheretohelp replied 4358 days ago

What inspired you to create this page? -.^

Nothing , I guess. Well you see I was kind of sad for some reason. So by helping others I am able to wipe that off and being unfortunate , I dint get the opportunity to help that many.

iamheretohelp replied 4360 days ago

Hey can u explain what total and marginal utility mean?

First of all I haven\'t started 11th yet and the answer ill be giving is not mine .

Total Utility can mean the total amount of satisfaction gained from the purchase or consumption of a product. Marginal Utility is the amount of satisfaction gained from purchasing or consuming more of the same product. For Example: If you purchased two slices of Pizza, Your total utility would be the satisfaction you receive from consuming both slices. Your marginal utility would be the satisfaction you gained consuming an additional slice (i.e. The difference between consuming two slices versus one slice) Typically your marginal utility decreases as your consumption increases. For Example: If you have eight pizzas, one extra slice is not likely to bring you as much satisfaction as a second slice would if you only had one slice of pizza (as opposed to eight pizzas)

Your welcome if the answer is clear , and I am really sorry if it was wrong and unclear

iamheretohelp replied 4361 days ago

I have taken commerce -marketing & eco and i just wanted to know that is tuition a must for accounts coz frankly speaking everyone i know is taking tuition and thats scaring me

Well I haven\'t started 11th grade yet but tutions isn\'t necessary if the teacher is good and you practice well . So try to find out whether you need tutions or not . But the advantage is that tution teachers improve you if you\'re weak , they give you worksheets, papers , clear your doubts any time but a small disadvantage is that if you go for tutions , you get overconfident and you don\'t listen in clas* .
The bigger disadvantage is that if you make yourself dependent on tutions , you are likely to have difficulties in higher .
You know what\'s best for you :)

iamheretohelp replied 4361 days ago

Hey , listen , i am really intrested in medical , but sadly here in ihs i got PCMB ,should i do math also ?
What do you suggest , because i'm terrible at math but in science i'm a boss .

Don\'t take it , Math is a subject of practice . So its a time consuming subject. And you can concentrate more on the other subjects. It\'ll be easier for you to score well. You don\'t need it for medical. And if you\'re going to India , then don\'t even think of it , the entrance exam has bio , physics and chem .and bio has higher weightage.

iamheretohelp replied 4361 days ago

How is science in 11th? :P

Depends on how you consider it , overconfidence can kill you. And I am just starting 11th .be positive :)
A small tip I can give is , either revise everything after clas* or learn everything before the clas* and you\'ll be more clear during the clas*

iamheretohelp replied 4361 days ago

You said you will tell us who you are after boards :P

I never said when after boards , did I ?

iamheretohelp replied 4372 days ago

U seem to be wasting more than half ur precious time in helping others so i just wanted to know :)

No, i\'d be happy if people asked question, sadly there is like no one with questions. Thanks for your concern :)

iamheretohelp replied 4381 days ago

Can you just define angle of refraction and lateral shift

Angle of refraction - the angle made between the refracted ray and the normal at the point of incidence .
Lateral shift - the PERPENDICULAR distance between the original direction of the incident ray and the emergent ray .

iamheretohelp replied 4382 days ago

I bet its a girl....a guy would never help people like that =€

Great as*umptions but unfortunately you\'re wrong , guys love to help :)

iamheretohelp replied 4382 days ago

who are you :P

Is that suppose to be a question ? Cos I see no question marks :P just kidding , sorry but this is something I can\'t disclose . Do good in such a way that if you did it with the right the left wouldn\'t be aware of it :)

iamheretohelp replied 4382 days ago 1

Help me out with the chem reactions please? simple way to do memorize them

First of all , I am really sorry for the late reply . Its just that noone asked any questions these days so I never checked
There is no actual easy way I guess but try to understand the reactions rather than byhearting them . First of all you should be clear with how to draw/make all the basic carbon structures and their functional groups . Ok in the OXIDATION reaction . When ethanol is treated with alk. KMnO4 +heat one oxygen atom is added and hydrogen is reduced by two . This results in forming ethanoic acid .
Then the Addition reaction . This is used to turn an unsaturated compound to saturated compound . In the textbook R is shown , where R-means any element , consider it as hydrogen . So when hydrogen is added to ethene in the presence of a catalyst (eg : nickel) it turns to ethane . The double bond is removed and forms a compound with single bond . This is usually used in the manufacturing of hydrogenated oils ( ghee, vanaspathy etc )
Substitution reaction ... ( I don't actually know the significance of this reaction )
It is used to replace a chlorine atom in place of a hydrogen atom one by one .
CH4 + HCL ---> CH3CL + HCL(in the presence of sunlight ) ...
CH3CL + HCL ---> CH2CL +HCL and so on ........

If you require the reactions of ethanol and ethanoic acid too , pls reply .

iamheretohelp replied 4392 days ago