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I don\'t even know you!!! :P
Haan...i will...:)
The same problem for me man! So freaking annoying!!! >.<
O.o what do you mean?
Well, like i said inbox me,and we\'ll talk. Or ask your best bud to talk. Either way, i ain\'t putting anyone\'s name here. :)
Ex-clas*mate? Wow! That narrows it down SO MUCH for me! And why do you want to know so badly? O.o
How about you tell me your true id, and i tell you nothing? :P
Not like i\'m gonna tell you,anonymous. :P Inbox me and we\'ll talk.
not quite...:P
um ok....craig,prathik,wilario,vinay,leann,fiona......i guess thats about it.....dunno that many.....:)
idk many 9th graders....10th guys or girls??
ok bro.....m in thermo/kinetic totally confused now....i think i will relax... probz.....send again....:D
k...btw i didnt get that msg u wer talking about...
you mean the comments??
if i become one that is......but if i do....then maybe....:)
i dunno....jus a thot...if u didnt do it...then im sorry...:)
shukran.....and yeah...i thot so too......and the Dic*weed one...i neva found out......buh who gives a f***??
thanx bro!!! for letting me know...
heya.......who is this btw???
really?? sorry if i did anything wrong to ya......hows about u temme who u are.....and mayb i can properly apologise.....:)
i would...but that would ruin the point of 'being anonymous'....:P