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ifeoma eze


im always here to answer any question u hve. PLS DNT ASK ANYTHING RUDE :D

17 Replies

Smartphone that is on your wishlist?

Samsung galaxy S5

iffie replied 3684 days ago

Which place do you want to go & live in?

I would luv to go to london ;)

iffie replied 3704 days ago

Which celebrity would you leave your girl or boyfriend for?

Justin bieber of course :)

iffie replied 3710 days ago

What is your nickname?


iffie replied 3713 days ago

Why soo fresh ;) ;;) babe....

Lols always am ;)

iffie replied 3714 days ago

Hi iffie :P
Whould you choose people or animals to be around forever?
Sam :D SamHenderson1

I think i would choose ppl cos animals cnt tlk ;)

iffie replied 3714 days ago

Hey hey xxx. Tiana here just wanted 2 spread thee love and say how am_zingly bootiful u r ♡

Hey tiana xxx thnx so mch for the qooh.u are also really really bootiful ;)

iffie replied 3716 days ago

How long would you like to live for?

Forever if it was possible :)

iffie replied 3716 days ago

Heyy!!who is ur best friend!!!:D <3

Dnt hve one . I luv all my friends equally :D

iffie replied 3717 days ago

Hey:D just say to say you must stay awesome and yo what's up with these mad people in our school???xD :P

Thnx. I knw hey they crazy but normal is boring anyway ;)

iffie replied 3717 days ago

Heyy!!! Who is ur best friend???:D

Lols dnt reallY hve one luv all my fwends ;)

iffie replied 3717 days ago

What do you want to be when you are older ? :p SamHenderson1

Lots of things mostly a dancer

iffie replied 3718 days ago

What's your favourite food?

I luv pizza

iffie replied 3718 days ago


Hi who this ping me

iffie replied 3718 days ago

Hey iffy

Hi doll

iffie replied 3718 days ago