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You said that I s*ck!!
*vacuum cleaner noise*
I love it when people are original! So nope!
My cat and my neighbours dog xx
Lily or Ainsley?? ;))
Simon Cowell
I don't hate anyone :)
But you can't just pinpoint one. These questions are really quite ridiculous. Everybody has something that makes them 'pretty'. :)
There isn't anyone
Sure am.
Are you actually for real or what?...
Calm down...omg hahhah
Chill out..........
Hehehe! Thank you! Common sense :p
First of all, Nibiru doesn't even have an orbit because it doesn't exist!! Even if it did exist and had an invisible orbit it would still disrupt the planets and stars around it and scientists/astronomers would notice! There are thousands of them watching the night sky and it would be noticed by now if it was coming to wipe us out.
Oh wow!! My dead goldfish is smarter than you. If this planet was coming at us we would have seen it by now, idiot! A planet large enough to wipe out earth would easily be spotted and simply couldn't go unnoticed or get to earth in one day. AND IF IT'S THE END OF THE WORLD..IT'S THE END? Why would you try and survive it if you're calling it the end? What the heck. What is wrong with you?
This literally made me explode laughing, oh my! You really are a clever kitty! Obviously I should listen to you because you do such a wonderful job at spelling. Scientists have not proved that it will happen. Not at all. The calendar isn't ending, it's restarting. So tell me Einstein, how is the world going to end?
Awah! Thank you! All of this end of the world stuff is making me giggle, though.
So many at the moment! Diet Mountain Dew- Lana Del Rey, Never Let Me Go - Lana Del Rey, Haunted - Skylar Grey and Welcome Home Son- Radical Face.
There are more but those are the top for the moment :)
Ohh that's a tricky one! Can I please do four? I'm going to do four :p Nick, Tahu, Callum and Josh :) All super awesome guys.
You can't really name the prettiest as there are so many aspects to different people that make them 'pretty'. :)
It's average
Thank you! I'm a weird person, hahah! Talk to me?
Some turkeys and Tahu ;)
Don't you be sleeping tonight...I'll be slithering up through your window.sssssss.
yUO anon skuxxxxx1000. I'm actually about to have an hour long sho-wow-er (step back oi) with heaps of yum smelling things, a cat nap and then a long night full of study yo? Waz that gangster enough, ghee? ;)
You are stunning. Ruv you ") xxxxx
I'm a girl and I think that's pretty sweet but very much untrue :)
Good! :D We do! :D
Simon Cowell :)
Thank you! :D I'm sure you're lovely yourself!
You are beautiful my lovely! You honestly are! You and your wonderful French accent!
Thank you so much! That's so sweet :)
Thank you very much! That means a lot to me. I don't really know :)
I'm not.