friendzz in 9th grade??
Idk many people. Batul is my really good friend tho.
it doesn't friggin HAVE to be meeeeeeeee! FOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOLL! Gummiee
It does have to be you. IDIOOOOOT
Won't you, like, take revenge???? Gummiee
Not the revengeful type
Describe Hannan.
No, hannan i shall not describe you.
Dear Abdi,
You have a very tempting and se*y as*.
Your Mirror
Hannan if this is you, you are going to die a slow and painful death.
I donno why but I am extremely in love with you...
Who do you think would be the best person to date from our school??? You've gotta b honest n u have t giv a propr answer...
Umm.. Honestly no one i know...
idek how to reply to that. i'm gonna try though. NISHAAAAAAAA? :D
I'm so awesome that ppl think I'm a girl.. Gummiee
wait, you're not? MY WHOLE LIFE IS A LIE.
Wtf is carpenter just soooooo CUTE!! Gummiee
who's carpenter? i know mogambo.. r they the same person?
The awesome group, Hannan, Annada, Ilmah... WE ARE WE ARE AWESOME!
how am i supposed to not agree? ;)
Ilmah u so stupid :) guess who I am
i really dont know... temme in school maybe? (is this annada?)
helloo immature imbecile :)
Wazzup slooooooooooooooooootttttt????!!!!! XD Gummiee
nm, wbu *****? ;D
How and why do u even like lydia??? She's a Bit**!! lydia_corn^_^
i like her because she's awesome ;D
Halo! Sloootiiiieeee parsan! (jk, kay?)
Ok :p hii ***** ;D (jk jk) who is this anyway?
I'm se*y n I know it!
I do not think so. *snaps fingers in Z formation*
WTF am I so awesome??? Gummiee
How about no.
Why is 'bompani' written on my calender?? Gummiee
there's something called as asking questions on qooh ANONYMOUSLY!!! Gummiee
I know ;) so?
OLA! Komo-estas Amigo!!! (If you know what ILm sayin xD) Gummiee
Hola! Are you obsessed with spanish or something? :D
Why do you like Edris soo much??? (completely random question) Gummiee
Umm.. I don't like him soo much. I just think he's sweet when pi isn't around and looks cute in a hoodie. :3
Why the f*** are you soo amazayn??? Gummiee
Idk , it comes naturally dahling ;)
Who are you dating and why?
No one