Thoughts on Holly McMillan? (:
She\'s a lovely chick(:
Can you a Lucas like get married and have babies already , aww yous are perfect!
you're really perfect lucas is a lucky fella
I\'m lucky to have him?(:
Why you put a winky face when someone asked you for se* and you have a boyfriend?
Oh winky face police i see? I was being a smartas*? Aha oh f***
id clean ur as*hole out
What the f***
Thoughts on Britt?
She\'s a lovely chick!
i bet i could f*** you better than lucas
Ew fack off
f*** Your sad hahah ;cc
Soz m8
Thoughts of rosa?
She\'s absolutely gorgeous and so sweet ! I love her smile its cute! All round she\'s just an amazing chick(: xx
oi I'm Cab m8 , So Chill c;
You actual are(:
Why you like Lucas he gay?
I don\'t just like him , i love him.
I love him because he treats me like a princess , he is the sweetest boy ever and he has this cute little smile, yeah it gives me butterflies c;
I Want My fat Pants B r o (;
Ill bring them tomorrow , since you FINALLY reminded , shi* son(: