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gimme a sec leme ask th chicken...
hahaha eti!ah bt i knw he/she is a wimp cz thy hidin thyr identity...kma thy beta nt get found!lol
jus coz ur father wants m duznt mean am in2 sugar daddies!bt snce ur so interestd i actualy lyk young dudes...wit hot bodies as oposed 2 potbellies...athletic 1z 2 and thoz that thnk on th same level as me.tell ur dad i said NO!
hahaha i dnt s*ck in bed....i sleep lyk a baby!!lol....i heard 4rm ur rents tho that that ur dad curses himself erday 4 nt puttn on a condom th day u wer concievd nd ur mother wishes erday dat abortion was legal...stupid waste of spam.go s*ck an aids infested **** o sumn....o w8....u already do dat!
u guess?ur nt sure?
i dnt knw wat 'romantic intact' means nd 90pecent of my frnds r guys so i dnt knw wich 1 ur tokn bout...i bet u r a guy!
zoona ungamafunse ana ali ako??i'l fire u 4rm th company!lol
i love smirky 2 bits.!!hangn wit hm z always fun!evn tho he makes fun o ma height evri 3 iwe i still luv ur punk as*!lol...:)
best believe!!
i'm ashamed 2 say this is true....but u c due 2 th fact dat ma BF is th
human alive who walks in
cloud filld with a dopeness and
gangstaness fusion and oozes
awsumness he understands ts cz am tyd up nd will txt hm tho coz i got so much 2 tel hm bout!!!
the north z wer i'm from,hu im and what i am...therz no place in th world i luv mor....evri time i get a chance 2 visit dat side i grab it quick...and i enjoy evri minute i spend ther!
he said 'hie' and i couldnt judge f he has a crush on me from that i luk psycic??
lmao eh bf these pipo r in at 830...i'l xplain 2u propa.
hahaha yea i do bt nt in that way...he's an extremely gud frnd o myn nd no he wsnt ma hixul luvr amwene wat d hell duz dat evn mean eish!hahahaha....u nidta realise that guys nd grls cn b close without strings attatchd...
nt even if ur lyf depended on it!! 18.i wish i ws oldr tho....myb i seem 2b oldr coz am nt immature bt f u thnk i LUK oldr then u obviously dnt knw wat i luk so short,i cn touch ma toes wthout bendin ova.lmao...
yes i have...
gordon....he's brutaly honest!
no.absolutely nt.feelings r nt sumn 2 play wit.f he didnt luv me anymo thn i'd let go.f i dnt fil th same way bout th 1 dat duz luv me thn i'd avoid leadn hm i wudnt get wit hm jus 2 get th otha 1 jelous...ts rather immature init?lol
no....i consider myself a strong,innovative,stead fast african teenager.....oh nd i consider myself a proud ding dong kid!lol #TeamDingDong!!lol
ur atleast u r in my
nope, still a baby,nt ready 4 a
if u marry me u'l find out.
nope....wana tell me?
and my boyfriend wat??
experience has taught me that long distance rlationships need alot o work bt f am given reason 2 trust nd ma heart z in it thn yea!y nt?
if ur tokin groups then hala at audiorock nd bossboy...if ur tokn individual artists thn hala at sonye nd kumbu,....thoz 4 wil utilise ur beats 2 th fullest.if u let m knw hu u r i cn help u out.
i dnt put 1 frnd above th f i had 2 then i'd say Andrew 'ndrizzy' Sesani!!
hahaha i didnt knw...y dnt u man up nd say t up front?
sweety if i dnt knw hu u r then i cnt tel u init?
hahaha ummm...*thinkin*....ummm my BF?lmao!!u amaze me bf!!haha
hw do u knw f am single o nt?
i will if u give me reason nt f u jus ask...
in my opinion...kumbu....boy can sing!dang!
3 words only??ummm ok...Em Dubz Finest....duz that count?lol
hehehe check ma fb rlationshp status.
that am a lesbian...0.o