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490 Replies

You're the best don't listen to these rude qoohs ☹️???

I appreciate this ? , Thanks.

iman_cader replied 2844 days ago

Don't worry what they say it's all jealousy babe ??

Thanks ??

iman_cader replied 2845 days ago 1

They never evens had a phone in their life. You are trying to be like those cape town girls but kaanti its not working. Your parents should moer you regh like they used to!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! its almost ramadhan pull yourself together kanallah.

Yes it's almost Ramadan but yet you're the one throwing hate instead of making toubah and being a proper Muslim like you claim to be. Remember nobody's perfect and you're not Allah to judge so stfu Kay ?

iman_cader replied 2845 days ago

Didnt you study hafizz??? And yet you still post such disgusting pics?????? you really disappointment to all muslims out there kassam. DONT you stop and think muslims in other countries are in war?

Then why do you still go through my photos if it bothers you sm ? Just unfollow me you dumb A$$. Omg get a life

iman_cader replied 2845 days ago


I know yeah

iman_cader replied 2845 days ago

do you wear make up

Yes but that's only when I feel like applying makeup bc it's an effort don't get me wrong it's nice to put on and play around with but when it's time to take off then naah , so sonetimes I don't feel for it then I don't.

Why you asking though ?

iman_cader replied 2846 days ago

Aanisah isn't your Bestfriend ? stop acting like she is , you can see she vererg her for you ??? literally stop, stay in your lane ?????

Did I say she's my best friend ?
Exactly no ! I didn't.

She's my friend and what does that have to do with you ? Yaww you're one coward A$$ bastard to qooh me on anonymous.

fck you man. Bye.

iman_cader replied 2847 days ago

Can I meet you by JB concert tommorow ?

The day that comes after today is spelt with 1 "m" and 2 "r's" ??

iman_cader replied 2851 days ago


? {don't actually know who you are but oh well}

iman_cader replied 2851 days ago

I see ur A$$ is sizing up
U know who I am

I have no clue who this is ???

iman_cader replied 2851 days ago

You're so tumblr ??????

Honestly ??? no. I'm not.

iman_cader replied 2853 days ago

You make me so happy my love ?

I don't know who this is but you probably make me happy too ✨

iman_cader replied 2853 days ago

What do you need to get off your chest right now?

So much. ??

iman_cader replied 2853 days ago

Can I DM you ? ???


iman_cader replied 2853 days ago

I want you in a way that you would never imagine ????

lol cool.

iman_cader replied 2853 days ago