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Imie Scarlett


Ask me anything you like anonymously

71 Replies

imie, don't listen to these people. you are not a b*tch, you DEFINITELY don't need to lose weight, and you're hair is beautiful. you don't need to change for anyone! whoever is sending you these abusive comments can go get f*cked.

thankyou so much anon, this means a lot <3

imie_scarlett replied 4159 days ago

Nothing is wrong with her hair, her weight, her weight is perfect! So stop harassing her! You need to piss off and get a life! I'm pissed now!
P.s I love you Soph.9

oh my gosh, thankyou so much sophie you make me so happy and I love you <3

imie_scarlett replied 4159 days ago

I have read through every single ****ing comment! People NEED to stop harrasing Imogen, or anyone for that fact! Imogen is a stunning fabulous person who doesn't deserve to be treated like this! (Part 1) Soph.9

Thankyou Sophie <3 :*

imie_scarlett replied 4159 days ago

Thoughts On Me ? xx Soph.9

one of the best peple ever and probs one of my closest friends. sophie, you have such a good personalily and I love seeing you each day run up to me with a big smile you are a stunning girl and I find myself blessed and honoured to call you ma frienddd :D you are so kind, caring, funny, supportive and strong and I think that our friendship will last for longgggg ;)

imie_scarlett replied 4159 days ago 1

why wont you put me down on your list for next year :(

I don't know who you are andif its another one of my close friends that list may change and I was only aloud to put three so if I was aloud to put 4 maybe it could have been you! :)

imie_scarlett replied 4159 days ago

I like your eyebrows <3

ahahaha, umm... thanks anon but your probably the only one

imie_scarlett replied 4159 days ago

qt couples 4:

jess - kane kara - tanner sophie - porter

imie_scarlett replied 4159 days ago 1

A person you lost you would like to see again?

I'm not sure if this question means like if the person moved away or passed away so I am gonna do both. Firstly I miss my pop so much, he passed away 23/8/2011 and I feel as if I never spent enough time with him and really appreciated him. I loved him so much and was absolutely shattered when I heard of him death, RIP Poppy I love you and miss you. Secondly someone I miss, no-one :D

imie_scarlett replied 4159 days ago

What happens when we die?

were dead then :D

imie_scarlett replied 4166 days ago

If u could only put three people on your list for classes nxt yr who would u put?

Kiara, Sarah and Kara or Jess

imie_scarlett replied 4171 days ago

Why do u always wear ur hair the same way with a head band and tied up?

School rules and its not with a headband everyday Plus there are many people that were the same hairstyle

imie_scarlett replied 4171 days ago 1

What do you consider to the most valuable thing you own?

photos especially the ones or relatives who have passed away!

imie_scarlett replied 4177 days ago

Y u so hot, like a fire

ahahahaha said no-body ever!

imie_scarlett replied 4178 days ago

A Movie that made you cry?

The Notebook

imie_scarlett replied 4186 days ago

hows kane?

I don't know ask jess

imie_scarlett replied 4193 days ago