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Tawana Duve


You have a question, I have an answer.....

13 Replies

If you were about to fall off the edge of a cliff and you had your phone in one hand and your girlfriends hand in the other and had to let go of one to save yourself ,,,what would you let go off?

If both of my hands have something in them.... Then how am l holding on to the cliff???

inamorato replied 2933 days ago

Why are you happy today?

Because l found joy, in the fridge

inamorato replied 2933 days ago

What does your name mean ?

We found grace

inamorato replied 3094 days ago

If you discovered a new island, what would you name it and why?

I'd probably name it Accident because im pretty sure I would've discovered it by accident...

inamorato replied 3098 days ago

Would you like to be given head?

I'm pretty sure we all know the answer.... ?

inamorato replied 3104 days ago

What was the last lie you told?

I'm a saint...

inamorato replied 3105 days ago

Why are you ignoring the person you are ignoring right now?


inamorato replied 3105 days ago


22 March

inamorato replied 3105 days ago

What makes you happy to be alive?


inamorato replied 3113 days ago

Who was your first crush ?

Girl I met in grade 3... Her name Faith

inamorato replied 3120 days ago

Describe yourself in three words ?

Intelligent funny sweet

inamorato replied 3120 days ago

What was your first cellphone ?

Nokia C3

inamorato replied 3120 days ago

What was your first kiss like?

Mooshy... I was really shy and afraid of messing up

inamorato replied 3120 days ago