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Funsoli ndlakalekale n i dnt knw wat u ment koma ama answr girl,my frens and famili.
Yer i av thanx 4 remindin me.
Ndati pump yanjinga!
Beef,pork,chicken....thats wat i eat,amphaka kwathu sitimadya.mxim.
Lol.pump yanjinga umayifuna?.lol.
Unlimited,i got too many pipoz.
Ndekuti chani?
Kunyada?.zero but i think its time u stopd stalkn on my profile.duhh i dunnow who u r.
Nope,i like Y and Z.
I thnk its time u show yoslf or cut the crap...osangotchula zina lanu bwanj u chickening?
NOOO..honestly these kind\'z of questions aint *exy and am really not in the mood.whoeva u r.
Nah i dont...
Ngati muli mnyamata,no vaseline,ine mathanyula ayi.if u a girl try my brother am t8kn.
Ndine osabeleka.komanso sindingaloleze fisi...
Magic maybe,but then my love lyf z none of yo busness.
I always fall,how u think i fel 4 my girl?.
Now this is jabe.hahaha...ndimakuziwani guys simungatinamize.
Visitn nzosayamba,tipezeni basi.bring a drink.
Ayi sindikuziwa,iwe ukuziwa? a ukaziwa utani?
Koma juve,kaya zako izo.
Well panti or boxer sindivala,ndimafuna ventillation yabwino.
Ambili and i dont rememba likin any of my frens girlz.not even one.
Hahaha.juve ndakuziwa!..zikusata.ine ndakukanila. ways,utiyo if i may ask?
Coz she wasnt my girl that time..mesa ndinayankha kale zimenezo?
Hahaha.if wishez were horses...mesa mmati ndine onyasa pompano?
Haha.i get that alot,ndine onyasa so beat it.
Nde ziti?..mxim.
Thats not 4 me 2 say...i dunnow if am dif or nt so ask the pipo around me...or my girl.
Hahaha.dont know its just ghetoish i thnk.haha
Yes its 2 damn tru.wanna see em?
If dats wat j said en sur i am.
Eya nchibadwa changa its aka nchololo.
I do?...maybe ts coz I was raised in the gheto n thats the only language spoken around ther.
Bad?...hmmm i dunnow...attitude maybe.
So now u h8 me??..gud.then ts no use tellin yhu wher am xulin.
Worst as in in a good way or bad way?
I dont think so.but if i have,i regret it. wayz.
Hahaha.okhy,i shure will.
If i knew u then i'd know.
Hell frens are like family.o ov em.cnt bakstab a brotha.
Well almost everything apart 4m the part that she 2 gud 4
Don moen,and lecrae.
Nope.he a brok as* nikka.
Hahaha.zako izo.zikusata...uzatenge number muthane nokha.
That shud be my friend-brother steve.
Yes.thats why my crew be rail ka.
Nde zitinso?
Nanga mesa sindimakuziwa?.lol.
Beauty lies n the eyes of the attractiv z beaui4 n erthng
Str8,attractiv 2 me. depends on zokudya zake.
Haha.kaya man.zandichulukila.
Gift adams...eish.haha.
Yes thats possible.but i wudnt d8 ha... ndimuntima koma i cn guess.hah
Eya i do.makawa ndi one,mix nkasa,chibade...
Ummm lemme see...i owez score possition one so it myt be 1 or 2.
Last time i had a crush it was really bad it got beyond repair...that was on my girl so no more crushes afta that 1.
Hahaha.i dont remember liking her or her liking me back,so naah i dont like her...we were jst cloz xu buddies.
Emmie manda??.if thats who u tawkn bou,yes.
Lets just say fashion aint my thing an i lov big jeans bigtym.
No ways...try your luck.
U mean how young??.am 12.
Honestly,no1 has ever tawkd bou marriage b4 but i see happy couples in my frens relationships especially juve,jabe,me.hahaha
I think they r smart dumbasses...
Yes thats me.or do u know aöther 1?
Hell no.hahaha.u neva know i myt still be a virgin.
Maybe she wasnt that tym...haha.gud thing is i admit t nw.
Months and weeks..
Yes,i have god who comes first,her,familly and friends.
Since day one...but h get 2 thnk it was since i was born.
Aka steve??.yes my blud.
Really??..then show yourself. juve ndakuziwani.zikusatani man
Daymne thats my ****en favourite.xcuse my french.
Duhh i ardy sayd why ne?
Hahaha.okhe man axse.
No am not.but she aint worth my vote thats wassup
Its bull****,i cnt w8st my time 4lowin malawi politics.
Janet j..
Hehe.thats a hard one,honestly i dunnow.monkeys maybe.hahaha
Can u com again??
Coz he created me,coz i always run 2 him 4 help,coz he gave me life,coz he lights my daez.n he givs me erthng i short he my evrythng.
No dowt bowt that even his face and music displays the mason in him.
Koma guys aah.yes i do believe in God.2 damn mutch.
No i dont eat cats.ate monkey meat once tho.
I got a calendar yes i get d8s and am a player i play hockey...enuf witta stupid questions k?
1cm i think.ngati yakula it myt be 2.